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Old 06-08-2012, 07:52 AM   #129 (permalink)
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Michelle Monique Adams
Second Year

Okay, this gotta be fun.

First, Chelle took her wand out of her cloak pocket and placed it in front of her on the desk. No wands required here. She had no problem with that. Absolutely not. She loved practical magic, of course, but it'd be nice to not use a wand sometimes.

Chelle walked up to Professor Elwood's desk and stopped to take one good look at all the stones.

Woah. These are all so pretty!

She hesitated. She couldn't decided which ones to pick. She liked all of them. Yup, they were all colourful and shiny and they made her feel really nice. But they had to decide. With a sigh, she took a pouch and started picking out the ones she liked best. The first one she took was a pearl. Maybe I could keep it for myself and send it to Jake, back home, as a souvenir from me at Hogwarts? Next, she picked out a sapphire. She wasn't really fond of gemstones as such, but as far as they went, sapphires were her favourite. They had to be in her collection.

As she looked around for other stones, this one stone caught her eye. It was clear and it sparkled. That had to be a diamond. Happily, Chelle put it in her pouch. Next, she took a stone which looked like a cross between purple and red. She recognised it as an amethyst. New jade was also a pretty looking semi-precious stone, so it went into her pouch. She also liked the sight of an emerald green stone, which she took to be emerald.

A quartz stone, a lapis lazuli and an amberfollowed. A brownish stone, which looked a lot like a marble from her set at home, struck Chelle as unusual. In went the pietersite. She also picked out a red garnet.

How many more do I need?

Running out of patience, Chelle randomly picked up three more stones to complete her pouch. "Thanks," she muttered, smiled at professor Elwood, and went back to her seat.

Last edited by Vanillasweetheart; 06-08-2012 at 02:15 PM.
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