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Old 06-08-2012, 07:51 AM   #128 (permalink)

Crumple-Horned Snorkack
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Giselle Barrington
Sixth Year

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Teagan Kensington
First Year
x5 x3
Shoe!Girl │ Rebel Ravie │ Confundus Queen │ RP Addict

Text Cut: Professor Elwood (Chris;))
Originally Posted by DanialRadFAN01 View Post
This girl was right on track, had she done a reading like this before?

"Excellent. That is exactly how they work. They can help clarifiy meanings of clusters or just cause a connection between two stones, not part of a cluster." The Divination professor nodded and then moved to the next raised hand.


Just as she was answering the last student's answer to her previous question she noticed something out of the corner of her eye and turned to see the Head Boy's pants changing color and turning polka dotted. They were certainly NOT like that a few second ago.

Calista wasn't happy but she hadn't seen who had done it so she couldn't punish or take points but they were all being eyed now.

"Alright! Everyone, I want to see wands on your desks infront of you. I mean everyone. We are not going to be using magic so rudely when I am trying to teach." The blonde had stood up straighter when she chided them all, since the culprit wasn't known. Callie placed her own wand on her desk and stared another minute before moving on.

Finished with her little no-magic speech, Professor Elwood grabbed the bowl of stones again and moved it to the center of her empty desk. "We will begin the practical section of this class by me asking each of you to come up and select 13 stones for your very own set. I have some small pouches for you to carry them over there. Feel free to choose one or just hold them in your school bags if you have another bag in mind." she pointed to a table against the wall with different colored silk bags with ribbons to tie them up with.

"So once you are ready please come foward and pick out your stones and when you do, think about what the stones are called and what they stand for, pick out ones you think would go nicely. Find some pointy ones to act as pointers aswell." And with that, they could start.

As Professor Elwood had started addressing the responses about pointers, and Stella had waited to find out if she'd been entirely crazy in choosing to give a response, she had noticed Paulie not exactly paying attention to the lesson out of the corner of her eye. It wasn't obvious, and he'd offered a response to the discussion question at the same time, but he was definitely glaring at something. Slightly turning her head in curiosity, all she saw was Aspen over in that direction. Mouthing something, but she had certainly not expected to see what happened next. Luckily, she got sidetracked by the professor apparently saying that her wild guess had been exactly correct, and as such was surprised when the woman had ordered that everyone put their wands out on their desks. At least the professor had done so as well, which made Stella feel better about sliding her rowan wand out of its holster and setting it on her desk. Hopefully nothing would happen to it, and she wasn't about to say anything about the younger Claw either.

It was easier to just stand to retrieve her stones, although she first walked over to the table against the wall to select a bag. Fingering a green bag, she finally picked it up and turned to head for the bowl. It had started getting picked over by then, but she sifted her fingers through the stones still inside and started picking some up one-by-one. Various shapes, sizes, colors, rough and smooth... by the time she'd picked out thirteen of them, she figured she had a good enough assortment, and after settling them into the bag, she returned to her desk to decide which stone would stand for which meaning. That was going to be the harder part, especially if she was still curious what was going to happen with their wands.

SPOILER!!: Stella's stones

1. air
2. Venus
3. water
4. Jupiter
5. fire
6. Mars
7. Saturn
8. the universe
9. the moon
10. Mercury
11. earth
12. the sun
13. Spirit
It's me, hi, I'm the problem, it's me, at tea time, everybody agrees

...It must be exhausting, always rooting for the anti-hero
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