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Old 06-08-2012, 04:46 AM   #126 (permalink)

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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Arista Royal
Sixth Year
x7 x3
Assistant Marauder | 1/2 of BenSky | Hit Wiz! | Mischief Managed

Originally Posted by DanialRadFAN01 View Post
"That is one way to look at it, however usually the pointer doesn't have much to do with order of things but rather pulling the connection between individual stones with other stones or clusters with other stones." The Ravenclaw was doing quite well, plus taking furious notes!

Calista wasn't happy but she hadn't seen who had done it so she couldn't punish or take points but they were all being eyed now.

"Alright! Everyone, I want to see wands on your desks infront of you. I mean everyone. We are not going to be using magic so rudely when I am trying to teach." The blonde had stood up straighter when she chided them all, since the culprit wasn't known. Callie placed her own wand on her desk and stared another minute before moving on.

Finished with her little no-magic speech, Professor Elwood grabbed the bowl of stones again and moved it to the center of her empty desk. "We will begin the practical section of this class by me asking each of you to come up and select 13 stones for your very own set. I have some small pouches for you to carry them over there. Feel free to choose one or just hold them in your school bags if you have another bag in mind." she pointed to a table against the wall with different colored silk bags with ribbons to tie them up with.

"So once you are ready please come foward and pick out your stones and when you do, think about what the stones are called and what they stand for, pick out ones you think would go nicely. Find some pointy ones to act as pointers aswell." And with that, they could start.

OCC: When making your set, all you need to do is create a post, preferably a paragraph in length at least, decribing the stones you've chosen and such. Nothing to big. If you'd like, a graphic can be made for a few bonus points. Don't think too hard about it, it's simple really.
Nerida nodded so note to self nothing to do with the order but the connection with the other stones. Listening to the Professor she yawned until the Professor said place your wands onto the tables.
Wait what, place her wand on the table? Why? Glancing at the Head Boy's pants she nodded and placed her wand onto the desk and kept on listening. They would be making there own set! How cool was that! After glancing at her notes several times to make sure she knew what each of them standed for.

The Ravenclaw stood up and walked up to the bowl of punch stones. Letting her hand hover over the bowl as she looked at the stones from the top. Not seeing any that stood out she just reached in and pulled out a ugly musturd looking stone. Not seeing how it matched the stones in the set, she set the stone down. Seeing something that she pictured would look like a sun stone, she picked it up it was a rustic orange, perfect for the sun stone. Switching to her other hand she saw a white stone, picking it up she learned it was smooth. Putting the stone in her other hand she went looking for a stone that was perfect for being the saturn stone. Finding a orange and black rough stone she plucked it out and noticing she was running out of room she grabbed a purple rock bag with three moons on it. Sliping the three rocks that she had into the bag.

She went to go look for the other rocks she still had ten rocks to go. A orange red firey looking rock caught her attention, scooping it out of the bowl, she thought it would be a perfect Venus rock, dropping it into the bag, she went back to looking. This time she put her hand into the bowl and feeled around for something anything, feeling something weird she pulled it out, to see it was golden like, it was cubeish as well..Weird stone, slipping it into her bag thinking it would be good for Mercury. Now on to the Mars rock. Her eyes caught the attention of a very rough merky brown rock, picking it up moving the other stones, she found that it would be perfect for the mars rock. Seeing two green rocks next to each other she pulled both of them out. One was mixed with green and a white translucent color and the other was a bright green, placing what would be the jupiter and Earth rock into the bag.

Her eyes fell onto a clear pointed stone, she recognized it immediatly as quartz, plucking it from the stones, switching it into her other hand not sure if she was going to use it yet..Seeing a rock she also knew, it was a ruby. So she had a air rock and fire rock, placing them into her bag she went back to looking. Glancing in she saw a diamond..Doing a double take, to make sure it was actually a diamond. Wow it was, picking it up, it may have been a rough diamond but it was a diamond nonetheless and it was perfect for the spirit stone. So just the water and universe stone left... She had yet to see a blue rock other than turqouise. Seeing a darker blue than she had normally seen she took it out, it was perfect for the water. When taking the water rock out it placed a black star like rock at the top, she thought it looked like a black opal but did they usually have colored star like things on them. Shrugging she placed it into her bag. Counting the stones in the bag to make sure she had all thirdteen, ater making sure they were all there. She gave a smile to the Professor and returned to her seat to sort them out and look at them.
SPOILER!!: The Thirdteen Rocks

SPOILER!!: Nerida's Notes

Lithomancy~Divination using stones
  • To do a reading you need a stone set.
  • To do the reading: Toss the stones into a circle made of string that will act as the field. Once the stones are in the feild read them by their position.
  • There is 13 stones in the stone set. Each of the thirdteen stones represents something.
  • Field is made of string/or other material that you place on a flat surface
  • Circle feild is no longer than a foot wide
    Divided into 4 quadrants and then into 12 sectins that represent one week long periods
  1. The Sun - power, energy and life
  2. The Moon - inspiration, psychic ability and intuition
  3. Saturn - longevity, protection, purification
  4. Venus - love, fidelity, happiness
  5. Mercury - intelligence, self-improvement, overcoming bad habits
  6. Mars - courage, defensive magic, battle, conflict
  7. Jupiter - money, justice, prosperity
  8. Earth - security of home, family and friends
  9. Air - Wishes, hopes, dreams and inspiration
  10. Fire - Passion, willpower, outside influences
  11. Water - Compassion, reconciliation, healing and cleansing
  12. Spirit - Needs of the self, communication with the Divine
  13. The Universe - our place in the grand scheme of things, on a cosmic level

Important things to know:
  • Clusters: groups of stones that have fallen closely together and seem to have something to do with each others.

An example: In the first section (the first week after the reading in my future) 2 stones fell directly beside each other, forming a cluster, Venus and Mercury. Now perhaps that means I will be able to communicate more freely with someone I love or perhaps they will finally approach me?"

Fire works through my veins into my heart

Remember the night’s dancing under the sky

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