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Old 06-08-2012, 01:52 AM   #125 (permalink)

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SPOILER!!: Professor
Originally Posted by DanialRadFAN01 View Post
Calista wasn't happy but she hadn't seen who had done it so she couldn't punish or take points but they were all being eyed now.

"Alright! Everyone, I want to see wands on your desks infront of you. I mean everyone. We are not going to be using magic so rudely when I am trying to teach." The blonde had stood up straighter when she chided them all, since the culprit wasn't known. Callie placed her own wand on her desk and stared another minute before moving on.

Finished with her little no-magic speech, Professor Elwood grabbed the bowl of stones again and moved it to the center of her empty desk. "We will begin the practical section of this class by me asking each of you to come up and select 13 stones for your very own set. I have some small pouches for you to carry them over there. Feel free to choose one or just hold them in your school bags if you have another bag in mind." she pointed to a table against the wall with different colored silk bags with ribbons to tie them up with.

"So once you are ready please come foward and pick out your stones and when you do, think about what the stones are called and what they stand for, pick out ones you think would go nicely. Find some pointy ones to act as pointers aswell." And with that, they could start.

OCC: When making your set, all you need to do is create a post, preferably a paragraph in length at least, decribing the stones you've chosen and such. Nothing to big. If you'd like, a graphic can be made for a few bonus points. Don't think too hard about it, it's simple really. [/color]

Zhenya looked around at who the Professor was talking about but didn't notice anything. She shrugged and slowly put her wand in front of her on the table. Oh, she didn't like that. She liked having it on her at all times. Who had made the class need to do this?

She continued to write down the correct meaning of Pointers, and got ready to chose her stones for her own set. She stood up and walked towards the desk with her notes and carefully selected stones that reminded her of the different meanings of the stones. She had her set of thirteen small stones, quite a lot of them with pointy bits, and put them into a pouch from the Professor. "Thanks," she said happily to her, before returning to her seat to sort them out.

SPOILER!!: Zhenya's set


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