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Old 06-07-2012, 06:52 PM   #118 (permalink)

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SPOILER!!: Students on Pointers
Originally Posted by Macavity View Post
The sixth year wrote down the list of given stones once they were confirmed to be correct, including his own guess of the water stone. That way he had it there in his notes and not just in the reading. Gideon then listened as the class moved on in describing the actual field on which the various stones would be read. So lithomacy readings were almost like natal charts, at least with the fact that there were twelve sections and how something, whether it was stones or signs, fell within the various sections was what the meaning meant. Interesting....very interesting. Gideon copied down the chart into his notes as Professor Elwood crew it up on the board with chalk and then thought upon her question.

Pointers...pointers...what were pointers?

The prefect raised his hand when something came to mind, hoping to supply something at least a little close to what it was actually. "Are pointers...stones that land in such a way to point towards another? So that you can read one as a predecessor to the next as if a cause and effect role?"
This Gryffindor Prefect should have come to her first lesson because he seemed to understand what was going on rather well. "Very good, a pointer is a stone who's edge is pointed and when it lands it points at another stone or cluster to suggest importance, order of events, or like you mentioned, cause and effect."
Originally Posted by Lissy Longbottom View Post
Alex scribbled down everything the professor was saying as fast as he could...Divination could be so simply, and yet other times (like today) it was SO confusing. All these circles and sections and was going to take him a few minutes to get all this in his brain.

He raised his hand as he flipped through his textbook, looking for the answer to the professors question. "Erm, aren't pointers like...points on the stone if they aren't completely round? So it actually makes it a literal POINTER?" he answered. "It could be pointing to another stone which could signal some sort of significant connection between the two," he added as an example.
Wait, she recognized this boy from around the Castle. She had asked about him and found out that he was Sierra's twin brother--but he was in Hufflepuff. Calista found it odd that the Sorting Hat would do that to a set of twins but if opposite houses suited their personalities then so be it.

"Very good Mr. Greingoth, they are literally pointed and when they land they point at other stones and create a sginificant bond that is important to the reading." Points to him.
Originally Posted by TakemetotheBurrow View Post
Ella tried her best to follow along while Professor Elwood explained how the circle would be broken up. She copied down notes as the explanation continued, stopping now and then to reread what she had written. Apparently reading stones was a little more complicated than the second year had originally thought...

Okay, so clusters were stones that fell closely together. That was understandable. She could totally grasp that concept. But what were pointers? Ella had seen her muggle teachers use pointers in elementary school. They were wooden sticks used to point to information on the board. Perhaps pointers in this scenario meant stones that lead to a certain cluster. "Professor, are pointers the stones that fall and lead towards a cluster?" Seemed legit to Ella!
"They can. The point on an end of a stone can point to a cluster or just one stone, it just depends on how they land. The main reason for pointers is to show the reader more clearly the connection some stones have in a person's reading; to make the reading more understanable." The Hufflepuff was young, but she would get it. Calista had faith in her.
Originally Posted by SilverTiger View Post
After her last guess, even though it had apparently been correct, Stella had gone back to just quietly taking notes. Especially as soon as Professor Elwood had written the thirteen stones up on the board for them, as she didn't want to forget any of those. Writing them down helped her remember the information better than just relying on her textbook, whether or not she knew said information would be found inside. The discussion had most definitely moved past identifying the stones they'd be working with, though, and she quickly sketched the circular field diagram into her notes as well. It wasn't perfect, but then she wasn't an artist. If she wanted a perfect drawing, she'd ask her mother or Matt over Christmas, but that wasn't important. She'd gotten the idea down.

Another question had been asked, and after taking notes on the topic of clusters, she found herself raising her hand yet again. It was just a thought, as she hadn't looked in the book again yet, but she was at least curious if it was on the right track. If pointers had to do with clusters, like she had a feeling they might. "Do pointers serve to help clarify the meaning of a cluster? I mean, using your example, you aren't sure if the Venus and Mercury stones are telling you if you're going to be the communicator or the person you love is, so perhaps you find the Mars stone nearby. Or the Spirit stone. Not really part of the cluster, but it might still clarify your reading of the other two stones," she said. It was probably entirely wrong, but at least she'd said something. That meant she wouldn't have the idea floating around in her head and confusing her later.
This girl was right on track, had she done a reading like this before?

"Excellent. That is exactly how they work. They can help clarifiy meanings of clusters or just cause a connection between two stones, not part of a cluster." The Divination professor nodded and then moved to the next raised hand.
Originally Posted by sweetpinkpixie View Post
Kurumi slouched juuuuuuuust a little in her seat as the more historical and factual portion of the lesson seemed to come to an end in terms of these readings. Kurumi couldn't help but bite her lip to contain a giggle when Professor Elwood mentioned educated guesses when responding to people. Ahem. Still, Kurumi was somewhat glad that these readings related to Natal Charts because that meant she had some experience working with them even if she found it to be a load of rubbish. Honestly, a lot of good Divination had done her thus far. In all the readings in lessons she had done NONE of them had predicted anything. The only true reading she had gotten was from Selina and THAT was because Selina was special. So... yes... this subject... AHEM!

When the next question was posed, about pointers, Kurumi had to stop herself from saying something like 'the point to things that are important' because she really wasn't actually thinking. Instead, Kurumi just sat back in her seat and took more notes...or things that looked like notes at least.
No answer from Kurumi?

Professor Elwood looked at her curiously for a second and then turned away to the next student, fixing a flyaway strand of hair. Hopefully she hadn't noticed her staring but that was just...odd.

Hopefully she was well.
Originally Posted by Anna Banana View Post
As her classmates chimed in and started describing what they thought a pointer was, Sierra raised her hand. Pointer. That seemed pretty self-explanatory. "It sounds like a stone that has a point to it, maybe a point that leads you in a certain direction or toward another stone," she suggested. She shrugged to herself. She really didn't know what a pointer was, but based on what they'd been talking about added to what she thought the word pointer meant, it all sounded good to her.
"That's exactly how it works Miss Greingoth." The stones would give you an ok reading if they all worked independantly but the connections between stones made things much more realistic.
Originally Posted by FireboltAvis88 View Post
Alyssa listened as the other students basically have the same answer that she was about to share with the class, but she raised her hand anyway and said,"Professor I guess the pointers are basically what they are called. Pointers are the edges, tips or other characteristics of a Stone that point in a particular direction or in different directions.".

Alyssa thought for a moment to best explain what she meant. "These pointers can be important when they are in a pattern or in a cluster of stones because the direction those tips or edges are pointing may possibly show the direction where the flow of energies, power, influence and the connection that particular stone has to the other stones in its cluster group."
"Yes, very good Miss Potter." The Hufflepuff seemed to have read the chapter on Lithomancy in her textbook sometime before this lesson.
Originally Posted by Jessiqua View Post

Zhenya continued to write down what she was saying, and what the other students had already said. It started making a bit of sense to her. She drew the small diagram on her page and tried to think about the stones falling off the chart or all into the one section, but the Professor started talking about that too. Some of it just muddled inside her mind, but some she understood.

And pointers? She quickly thought about what it could mean, and raised her hand "Professor could pointers be when a stone points in a direction of a section?" she asked. But how many pointers were there in the collection of stones they used? All of them? Just a few?
"The pointer stones do point at important things in the reading but typically they wouldn't point to another section seeing as those just stand for weeks and will be coming up next anyways." She then thought again about the Slytherin's question.

"However, if you mean that they can point to other things inside of different sections that is correct. Cross-section connections by pointers are usuallty typical but it can happen." Callie smiled, good little snake.
Originally Posted by Luna_Midnight View Post
Nerida nodded so her answer was semi correct. She jotted down as the Professor explained, wow this was intresting stuff but she was sure confused. Clusters okay...She jotted down of what she could make of the Professor's example. Pointers?? Erm what were those.. Maybe the pointer is one of the rocks that has a point so when you drop it with the others, so it might show the direction of everything in a cluster or maybe it shows the starting point?
SPOILER!!: Nerida's Notes

Lithomancy~Divination using stones
  • To do a reading you need a stone set.
  • To do the reading: Toss the stones into a circle made of string that will act as the field. Once the stones are in the feild read them by their position.
  • There is 13 stones in the stone set. Each of the thirdteen stones represents something.
  • Field is made of string/or other material that you place on a flat surface
  • Circle feild is no longer than a foot wide
    Divided into 4 quadrants and then into 12 sectins that represent one week long periods
  1. The Sun - power, energy and life
  2. The Moon - inspiration, psychic ability and intuition
  3. Saturn - longevity, protection, purification
  4. Venus - love, fidelity, happiness
  5. Mercury - intelligence, self-improvement, overcoming bad habits
  6. Mars - courage, defensive magic, battle, conflict
  7. Jupiter - money, justice, prosperity
  8. Earth - security of home, family and friends
  9. Air - Wishes, hopes, dreams and inspiration
  10. Fire - Passion, willpower, outside influences
  11. Water - Compassion, reconciliation, healing and cleansing
  12. Spirit - Needs of the self, communication with the Divine
  13. The Universe - our place in the grand scheme of things, on a cosmic level
  1. Clusters: groups of stones that have fallen closely together and seem to have something to do with each others.

An example: In the first section (the first week after the reading in my future) 2 stones fell directly beside each other, forming a cluster, Venus and Mercury. Now perhaps that means I will be able to communicate more freely with someone I love or perhaps they will finally approach me?"
"That is one way to look at it, however usually the pointer doesn't have much to do with order of things but rather pulling the connection between individual stones with other stones or clusters with other stones." The Ravenclaw was doing quite well, plus taking furious notes!
Originally Posted by AlwaysSnapesGirl View Post
Penelope honestly had no idea what any of this stuff was - big surprise - so she had continued to keep the silence she usually maintained during nearly every lesson she'd attended in the few months she'd been at Hogwarts. She was getting a little bit better about taking notes, though she still didn't take much. These professors talked too fast for her slow little hand, and then they wrote too much on the board so that if she tried to focus on writing she'd miss everything that was said.

Note-taking really wasn't for her, it seemed.

Now they were talking about something called pointers? Penelope, of course, didn't know what those were - especially since, as she didn't raise her hand to answer, even Kurumi didn't seem to know either, and Penelope was still convinced the prefect knew everything. Hm...

But...even if she didn't actually know the answer, the first year figured she could try giving an answer anyway. She did kinda want to get better at all this stuff after all...

"Pointers are," she began slowly, raising her hand, "the rocks that...point toward something?"
Professor Elwood grinned at the young Gryffindor girl's answer that came next. She had been teaching for nearly three and a half months and the little ones still made her giggle with their adorablenss--she would never tell them this though. They were big kids, not babies.

"They do point at other important stones and clusters to make connections in order to strengthen the meaning of our readings. Very good."
Originally Posted by Hermione Lily Potter View Post
Lily felt soo lost. She got the part about the 13 different stones... and the part about the four sections and about the 12 week sections... but what she didn't understand was how they were all related.. She even understood about the clusters... The second year figured that it would just be best to take notes for now and ask questions later... so that's what she did.

Onto the next question, though. Pointers... Lily raised her hand, figuring that an educated guess would be her best bet at understanding these things. "Would they be stones that point to a particular part of our future?" Like a certain week... or something like that...

All this Divination stuff was way too confusing to put together...
"Not in the sense you are thinking, like a specific week or section of the reading field but rather the other stones (whatever they may mean) and other clusters." She nodded at the girl and moved to the next child.
Originally Posted by hpfan18 View Post
Annabelle was trying to understand the chart. She copied it down in her notebook and was thinking about what pointers were. Belle took a guess, she thought it couldn't hurt. "Professor aren't pointers used to see your future more clearly and help you interpret why things happen?" When she said aloud her answer she copied down more notes into her notebook.
SPOILER!!: Annabelle's Notes Continued

Lithomancy - Using stones
The Sun - power, energy and life
The Moon - inspiration, psychic ability and intuition
Saturn - longevity, protection, purification
Venus - love, fidelity, happiness
Mercury - intelligence, self-improvement, overcoming bad habits
Mars - courage, defensive magic, battle, conflict
Jupiter - money, justice, prosperity
Earth - security of home, family and friends
Air - Wishes, hopes, dreams and inspiration
Fire - Passion, willpower, outside influences
Water - Compassion, reconciliation, healing and cleansing
Spirit - Needs of the self, communication with the Divine
The Universe - our place in the grand scheme of things, on a cosmic level
Clusters: groups of stones that have fallen closely together and seem to have something to do with each others.
An example: In the first section (the first week after the reading in my future) 2 stones fell directly beside each other, forming a cluster, Venus and Mercury. Now perhaps that means I will be able to communicate more freely with someone I love or perhaps they will finally approach me?"

"That's a good way to look at it. These pointers do help us determine how the stones are related and what that means for us in our future." Good answer, she would get points for sure.
Originally Posted by Cedric View Post

Okay.. Paulie wasn't completely sure, but he believed he was officially participating in a GLARING contest. But then she looked more like she was just.. watching him. He got the sensation that Aspen was some tiger or something and he was her prey. Ahaaa. Was this 'wand-tapping' a threat? Paulie lifted his eyebrows slightly and smirked, as if daring her to do something. Because she wasn't gonna. Not right in the middle of divination.

Speaking of which, the Divination professor started talking about these things called 'pointers'. What were they? "I guess pointers point. They point to other stones and make a new correlation." That is what pointers sounded like to him. Or maybe pointers could be used to chuck at STALKING Ravenclaw girls.

..Ravenclaw girls who were now pointing wands at him from under their desks. He read her lips and lowered his eyes to her wand once more before returning her stare again. 'Do it,' he mouthed back, ever the instigator. Yes, Ravenclaw could definitely use another cut on their house points. He just had to make sure not to retaliate. You know... no SENDING HER TO THE CEILING DOING SOMERSAULTS.

During her answering of students questions and lecturing she had noticed the Head Boy and the Odessa girl staring at each other but didn't really catch much of the mouthing of threats.

"Good Mister Foster, the pointing isn't for not because they make important correlations between the stones for us to use in order to understand their meanings better in relation to our future lives." The Head Boy's answer may have seemed simple but truthfully there was knowledge behind it.
Originally Posted by nogoodforyou View Post
Just when things seemed to be more understandable...

Errr... pointers?

"They are stones," Nora said after raising her hand, pretty much stating the obvious, "which are... pointy?" Ahh, Miss Obvious was there, to... point out the obvious! What would professor Elwood ever do without such a smart girl in class?

"They are pointy Miss Reed. They point at other stones and clusters that are significant to their own meaning." They helped make everything make more sense. Callie was glad the girl had at least tried to answer the best she could.
Originally Posted by Lady of Light View Post
Evelyn sighed and noted down whatever the professor said as fast as she could. She didn't even bother to understand what was going on in class. There was something about quadrants and then...12 sections?..oh, yeah. The professor mentioned something about Clusters as well..but she continued to scribble the notes down on her parchment. AT least, taking down notes was something she was really good at.

She looked up when the professor went on to ask what pointers were? The Hufflepuff hesitantly raised her hand. "Are they stones that point towards another stone...or something? " So lame. At least, she tried.
The Hufflepuff Prefect was on the right track. "Yes, that is definately what they are used for, and in doing so show what connections are present in each stone's meaning."
Originally Posted by FearlessLeader19 View Post
Jory raised his hand. "Professor, the pointers are what point to the particular stone,'' he said. He wasn't too sure but that's what he figured.
"Very good." Callie nodded at the boy's answer.
Originally Posted by KP1 View Post
Derrick sat in his seat listening.He slowly raised his hand.''Professor,the Pointers are what points to the other stone.''He smiled.Probably wrong but he didn't really care.He looked around listening to the other students answers.
"That is right." The Gryffindor had answered very well for such an intermediate Divination subject.
Originally Posted by Steelsheen View Post
Well looks like his wild guess wasnt so far off after all.He nodded his head dutifully, understanding now what the quadrants and the pie-sections (as diagrammed later) stood for. Four quadrants, each representing three weeks worth of forecasting, the whole circle containing twelve weeks or a quarter of a year.

He likes the organizational aspect of this mmhmm.

But the discussion moved onto the stones themselves, and Vickers was now back to scribbling those busily on his parchment. Clusters were clear enough indeed but Pointers?.... He stared at the stones, then at the diagram wheel on the board. Brows furrowed and another tentative hand goes up "Pointers... give some kind of direction or indication as to what the Cluster of stones mean and how they affect each other and yourself at a certain point in time?" Guh, another guess, but at least now this topic was starting to make some sense to him.
Again, another good answer from Mister Vickers. The Ravenclaw was certainly keeping up the good reputation of his house.

"Yes, very good." She really didn't have much to add to his answer, he seemed like he knew what the term meant.

Just as she was answering the last student's answer to her previous question she noticed something out of the corner of her eye and turned to see the Head Boy's pants changing color and turning polka dotted. They were certainly NOT like that a few second ago.
SPOILER!!: Mysterious Trouble
Originally Posted by Mad Eye Touz View Post
A pointer.

Aspen had probably, at some point, read this. About pointers. She could have formed an answer good enough, but probably not cheery enough for the Professor.

SO, she didn't bother with answering this time either.

Nope, instead....Aspen, under her table, shifted her wand so that it was pointing at the Head Boy. Subtle to most, but the Head Boy could probably see. Then she mouthed to him, Pointer.


Originally Posted by Cedric View Post

Okay.. Paulie wasn't completely sure, but he believed he was officially participating in a GLARING contest. But then she looked more like she was just.. watching him. He got the sensation that Aspen was some tiger or something and he was her prey. Ahaaa. Was this 'wand-tapping' a threat? Paulie lifted his eyebrows slightly and smirked, as if daring her to do something. Because she wasn't gonna. Not right in the middle of divination.

Speaking of which, the Divination professor started talking about these things called 'pointers'. What were they? "I guess pointers point. They point to other stones and make a new correlation." That is what pointers sounded like to him. Or maybe pointers could be used to chuck at STALKING Ravenclaw girls.

..Ravenclaw girls who were now pointing wands at him from under their desks. He read her lips and lowered his eyes to her wand once more before returning her stare again. 'Do it,' he mouthed back, ever the instigator. Yes, Ravenclaw could definitely use another cut on their house points. He just had to make sure not to retaliate. You know... no SENDING HER TO THE CEILING DOING SOMERSAULTS.

Originally Posted by Mad Eye Touz View Post
Pointers point? Aspen griiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinned.

And grinned.

The Head Boy was full of gems of dialogue. Gems. Precious gems.

But do it he said? Aspen glanced around and casually brought her free hand up to eyes, where she mimed tears and wiped them away, You'll cry, she mouthed back. Sniff Sniff.

Then she simply cast a color-changing charm, quietly, discretely, her wand kept low and out of sight. Her wand was still disobedient, and stubborn, and Paulie's pants were supposed to turn PINK, but changed into a PEA GREEN shade instead. With polka dots. Orange polka dots. Aspen... turned back to look at the Professor, the picture of innocence. Shrieks from the Head

Calista wasn't happy but she hadn't seen who had done it so she couldn't punish or take points but they were all being eyed now.

"Alright! Everyone, I want to see wands on your desks infront of you. I mean everyone. We are not going to be using magic so rudely when I am trying to teach." The blonde had stood up straighter when she chided them all, since the culprit wasn't known. Callie placed her own wand on her desk and stared another minute before moving on.

Finished with her little no-magic speech, Professor Elwood grabbed the bowl of stones again and moved it to the center of her empty desk. "We will begin the practical section of this class by me asking each of you to come up and select 13 stones for your very own set. I have some small pouches for you to carry them over there. Feel free to choose one or just hold them in your school bags if you have another bag in mind." she pointed to a table against the wall with different colored silk bags with ribbons to tie them up with.

"So once you are ready please come foward and pick out your stones and when you do, think about what the stones are called and what they stand for, pick out ones you think would go nicely. Find some pointy ones to act as pointers aswell." And with that, they could start.

OCC: When making your set, all you need to do is create a post, preferably a paragraph in length at least, decribing the stones you've chosen and such. Nothing to big. If you'd like, a graphic can be made for a few bonus points. Don't think too hard about it, it's simple really.
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