ALL RIGHT. Let's get this moving!!! Professor Pink | Mrs. Bruce Wayne | I'm on a Goat | Glitterpuff | Dumbledore's Defense Squad | BHB Hmm, Wes hadn't realized --- or perhaps he had, and he'd just forgotten --- how many DMLE people were from America. It seemed like almost every other person was American. Interesting. He made little tics and notes on the few pages in his first file folder as they all spoke, and then grunted and looked up when the last person was finished speaking.
"Well then. Welcome to the Department of Magical Law Enforcement to all you new folks, and thanks for showing up to all you old timers." He smiled at the 'oldies' in the room. "I'm Wes Ferguson in case you somehow missed that; originally from Sydney, Australia but grew up in Aberdeen, Scotland. I was a Hit Wizard for a number of years and then I became Chief Investigator of the MLES. And now I'm your Department Head." So deal with it. Heh. Introductions were done now. Moving on.
"If you have any questions about what you're supposed to do or who you report to, go to your division head first." He pointed to Cade, Ben, and Dorian. "Head Auror Jaxton Tanner is on assignment right now, but he'll be back shortly, and the same goes for Head of Security Gabriel Vartann." Or something like that. "There is no MLES Head at the moment but if you really need something answered, I'd go to Alysson Zookara, Hit Witch." Because she'd been there for a while and knew a lot of stuff, yep. "Additionally, if you have been here for a time and think you're deserving of a raise or promotion, fill out the form I posted on the noticeboard and get it to me by the end of next week."
All right. Wes nodded and glanced down at his notes in his first file. So far he'd accomplished everything on his list. Now for the real reason of the meeting.
"It's come to my attention, and the attention of your division heads," he looked specifically at the IUMO Chief, "that some of you are new and need some training, and some of you have gotten lazy during this peacetime and haven't kept up with your upskilling." Wes looked around at them all seriously. "At the conclusion of this meeting, we're going to begin a mandatory department-wide training....competition, of sorts, to prepare you all to work within any division of the DMLE and to see how well you work with others and pick up necessary skills while on the job." He smirked for some reason, probably because he was sounding like such a BOSS right now, and continued. "The five division heads and I will be leading the brief training sessions. After each head gives his or her spiel, you'll have a brief time to practice the skill and then we will apply what has been taught in an encompassing group exercise."
Wes looked around at them all expectantly and then stood up, taking his files with him. "Any questions before we move to the training area?"
He was sure his employees would all pass if they just paid attention. But Wes was also hoping they'd all had breakfast and coffee this morning too. They'd need it.
yeah, there's one thing about me that you should know________________________________ __________________________________________that I can't help from speaking my mind |