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Old 06-07-2012, 01:48 PM   #116 (permalink)
Mad Eye Touz
Dark Force Defense League

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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Zahra Kettleburn
Seventh Year
Inside Kitty | HIT ENTER | UNO Queen

Originally Posted by Cedric View Post

Okay.. Paulie wasn't completely sure, but he believed he was officially participating in a GLARING contest. But then she looked more like she was just.. watching him. He got the sensation that Aspen was some tiger or something and he was her prey. Ahaaa. Was this 'wand-tapping' a threat? Paulie lifted his eyebrows slightly and smirked, as if daring her to do something. Because she wasn't gonna. Not right in the middle of divination.

Speaking of which, the Divination professor started talking about these things called 'pointers'. What were they? "I guess pointers point. They point to other stones and make a new correlation." That is what pointers sounded like to him. Or maybe pointers could be used to chuck at STALKING Ravenclaw girls.

..Ravenclaw girls who were now pointing wands at him from under their desks. He read her lips and lowered his eyes to her wand once more before returning her stare again. 'Do it,' he mouthed back, ever the instigator. Yes, Ravenclaw could definitely use another cut on their house points. He just had to make sure not to retaliate. You know... no SENDING HER TO THE CEILING DOING SOMERSAULTS.


Pointers point? Aspen griiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinned.

And grinned.

The Head Boy was full of gems of dialogue. Gems. Precious gems.

But do it he said? Aspen glanced around and casually brought her free hand up to eyes, where she mimed tears and wiped them away, You'll cry, she mouthed back. Sniff Sniff.

Then she simply cast a color-changing charm, quietly, discretely, her wand kept low and out of sight. Her wand was still disobedient, and stubborn, and Paulie's pants were supposed to turn PINK, but changed into a PEA GREEN shade instead. With polka dots. Orange polka dots. Aspen... turned back to look at the Professor, the picture of innocence. Shrieks from the Head
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