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Old 06-07-2012, 02:10 AM   #109 (permalink)

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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Zarina Rae Carraro
Sixth Year
x6 x2
Stephanoodle || Adorable Nerd

Annabelle was trying to understand the chart. She copied it down in her notebook and was thinking about what pointers were. Belle took a guess, she thought it couldn't hurt. "Professor aren't pointers used to see your future more clearly and help you interpret why things happen?" When she said aloud her answer she copied down more notes into her notebook.
SPOILER!!: Annabelle's Notes Continued

Lithomancy - Using stones
The Sun - power, energy and life
The Moon - inspiration, psychic ability and intuition
Saturn - longevity, protection, purification
Venus - love, fidelity, happiness
Mercury - intelligence, self-improvement, overcoming bad habits
Mars - courage, defensive magic, battle, conflict
Jupiter - money, justice, prosperity
Earth - security of home, family and friends
Air - Wishes, hopes, dreams and inspiration
Fire - Passion, willpower, outside influences
Water - Compassion, reconciliation, healing and cleansing
Spirit - Needs of the self, communication with the Divine
The Universe - our place in the grand scheme of things, on a cosmic level
Clusters: groups of stones that have fallen closely together and seem to have something to do with each others.
An example: In the first section (the first week after the reading in my future) 2 stones fell directly beside each other, forming a cluster, Venus and Mercury. Now perhaps that means I will be able to communicate more freely with someone I love or perhaps they will finally approach me?"

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