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Old 06-06-2012, 08:13 PM   #93 (permalink)

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Gaga Mafia Monster : MURPHY : Kelvin's SS!BFAM : Roro's Evil Twin : Ravlyndor : Gopher

SPOILER!!: Smarty pants students who give answers
Originally Posted by sweetpinkpixie View Post
Notes notes notes and more notes.

Kurumi's hands flew over her parchment as she attempted to write down every detail to Professor Elwood's speech. Kurumi was interested in the historical significance behind it, the facts as it were. Those made sense and it probably came off that Kurumi was showing a genuine interest in Divination. So sorry, not the case really. Kurumi didn't have the Inner Eye and all that. It gave context to what they were doing as ancient form of Divination as it were. Which was sort of interesting if you looked at it as reenacting things from the old days. Which is how Kurumi would have to do this in order to take things even remotely seriously.

When Professor Elwood proposed her next question, the Gryffindor was instantly reminded of her Divination OWL and the Natal chart they had had to draw up. That had been divided into 12 sections, representing the zodiac and therefore the months of the year. Could it be that the same sort of principals applied here? Raising her hand, Kurumi ventured an educated guess. This was NOT to be confused with guess work. It had educated in the expression. "Professor, do these readings sort of relate to Natal Charts? Perhaps the space is divided up into 12 sections with each representing passing weeks or days perhaps?"
Natal charts? How wonderful the girl remembered enough about other forms of Divination to draw a connection.

"Yes Miss Hollingberry, Natal charts used in the more astronomy related realm of Divination are very similar to the reading field in this particular type of Lithomancy. The circle is divided up into 12 weeks, rather than days but you are rabsolutely right." Good girl, Callie was happy to see she seemed to be taking an interest in the subject.
Originally Posted by FearlessLeader19 View Post
Jory made notes of the thirteen stones. He pondered hard on the question for a while before raising his hand. "Is there twelve sections and they represent each of the astrological signs, Professor?'' he asked.
Another student decided to run in the direction of Astrology but just missed the mark. "There are 12 sections but they are not designated for the zodiac signs, just weeks in the reader's future life."
Originally Posted by Jessiqua View Post

What the heck was Lithomancy? Zhenya shrugged to herself and continued to listen to the Professor. When she paused, Zhenya realised she should probably be taking notes, so she quickly pulled out some paper and a quill and began neatly writing everything she remembered down. Slowly she was understanding what Lithomancy was and how they did it and why. She decided to listen and, as students said what some of the stones and their meanings were, she wrote them down in a small table she had drawn up.

Huh? She listened to what the Professor was saying but didn't completely understand. Maybe she wasn't as good as Divination as she thought. That centaur made it seem like a nonsense subject, but THIS Professor, without them, made it more of a subject requiring actual study and thinking. She was being challenged. But still... she had no idea. But, raising her hand she said "Professor are there thirteen sections? And they all stand for the different stones being used?"
The next student to speak up was a young Slytherin girl, "Not quite Miss Burton, some would assume that 13 sections would be prudent because of the number of stones we are using, but sadly that is not the case. 12 sections are represented for the next upcoming 12 week period in the reader's or subject's life."

Her's had been a good guess though. Nice work.
Originally Posted by Luna_Midnight View Post
Nerida wrote down what the Professor was saying. Then she copied down what was on the blackboard. There could be two potions for the sections. Raising her hand after thinking about the question Professor Elwood just asked, Are there 13 sections, one for each of the stones. Or is it like... What did they learn last term...Oh right natal charts She continued Natal charts, and has 12 sections, that each represent the astrological signs?
SPOILER!!: Nerida's Notes

Lithomancy~Divination using stones
  • To do a reading you need a stone set.
  • To do the reading: Toss the stones into a circle made of string that will act as the field. Once the stones are in the feild read them by their position.
  • There is 13 stones in the stone set. Each of the thirdteen stones represents something.
Field is made of string/or other material that you place on a flat surface
Circle feild is no longer than a foot wide
  1. The Sun - power, energy and life
  2. The Moon - inspiration, psychic ability and intuition
  3. Saturn - longevity, protection, purification
  4. Venus - love, fidelity, happiness
  5. Mercury - intelligence, self-improvement, overcoming bad habits
  6. Mars - courage, defensive magic, battle, conflict
  7. Jupiter - money, justice, prosperity
  8. Earth - security of home, family and friends
  9. Air - Wishes, hopes, dreams and inspiration
  10. Fire - Passion, willpower, outside influences
  11. Water - Compassion, reconciliation, healing and cleansing
  12. Spirit - Needs of the self, communication with the Divine
  13. The Universe - our place in the grand scheme of things, on a cosmic level
"The latter Miss Eventide. Each of the 12 sections represent a week time span for the person's future." It seems more of the students had payed attention to their previous Divination Professors than she had thought.
Originally Posted by Steelsheen View Post
Moarrrr scribbling.....

When he had time to pause, he looked up at the board, thirteen stones representing almost every heavenly body plus the elements... and they were supposed to cast them onto a circular field no larger than a foot in diameter? Thats bound to get really crowded.

But then maybe that was the point...

Blue eyes scrolled the 13 items listed on the board as he pondered how many sections that circle was supposed to be divided in. Was it supposed to be a section for each stone? Each representation? But the Professor said the circle was made out of a string, he figured this has got to be something simpler, imagine having to divide a foot-long circle into 13 or even 12 parts. Given that this was something totally new to him he raised a tentative hand to reply "Uhm... are they split into 4 sections which represent...." what? Eyes darts back to the board ".... the four elements, Earth, Air, Fire and Water?"
Oooh very good.

"Yes, excellent point. The circle reading field is firstly seperated into 4 quadrants and then later into 12 sections representing the 12 week long periods of the reading." She nodded. "But really, the quadrents are just blocked that way so that the subject of the reading knows that a collection of things that the stones represent may happen during that overall 3 week period."

Make sense? Hopefully.
Originally Posted by Vanillasweetheart View Post
Chelle stared at the other students in class as they answered. She was a little bewildered. In other words, this whole thing seemed to be a little illogical and was going right over her head. But she was determined to understand it. She scribbled down whatever was on the blackboard on her parchment.

Then as Professor Elwood asked another question, she raised her hand to answer it. "Professor, it can either be the 12 sections based on the Natal Charts, as so many have mentioned so far," she said. And that seems illogical, too. "Or, if I remember correctly, there is something called 'Loops'. They are four in number. I don't know if they have anything to do with the reading circle that we're talking about right now."

Yes, she had read about Loops, too. She just didn't know where it would fit in.
"The circle is seperated into 12 sections but it's not exactly based on the Natal charts, it is just very similar." Seeing as the things they were working on today had no relation to the zodiac signs or their relation to their whereabouts on the night of their births.

And this stuff about loops? "Do you possibly mean quadrants? The reading field is also seperated into 4 main quadrents of 3 week periods, I think that is what you may mean."
Originally Posted by FireboltAvis88 View Post
Alyssa thought of the various possibilities and the number of sections would be involved in the reading before raising her hand.

"Professor, I agree with Vickers. I believe that the circle is divided into 4 Quadrants, each representing a different purpose in one's life. The 4 quadrants could further be divided into 12 segments to represent the days and weeks in a person's life." Alyssa hoped that she made sense.
Agreeing with Vickers was wise in this situation.

"Yes Miss Potter, that is how the reading field for this particular type of Lithomancy is seperated." Good, now who was next?
Originally Posted by KP1 View Post
Derrick listened to everyone's answers until he thought of an answer.He raised his hand,''The circle is divided into what I believe is 4 Quadrants.''He grinned and paused.''Which represents different purposes in Others lifes.''There was more to it,But he couldn't bother to say it.
"Yes, there are 4 quadrants and perhaps they will mean other things to people in life but mainly they are just another way to group the time that is being represented." The boy was doing well so far this lesson.
Originally Posted by hpfan18 View Post
Annabelle heard the professor ask a question about the stones. But she was copying down the stones and their meanings into her notebook.
SPOILER!!: Annabelle's Notes

1. The Sun - power, energy and life
2. The Moon - inspiration, psychic ability and intuition
3. Saturn - longevity, protection, purification
4. Venus - love, fidelity, happiness
5. Mercury - intelligence, self-improvement, overcoming bad habits
6. Mars - courage, defensive magic, battle, conflict
7. Jupiter - money, justice, prosperity
8. Earth - security of home, family and friends
9. Air - Wishes, hopes, dreams and inspiration
10. Fire - Passion, willpower, outside influences
11. Water - Compassion, reconciliation, healing and cleansing
12. Spirit - Needs of the self, communication with the Divine
13. The Universe - our place in the grand scheme of things, on a cosmic leve

After she was done copying, she made an educated guess to the question. "Professor isn't the stones like separated by what they are capable of? Like the 4 quadrants and they all represent a section of life and the natural elements." She tried the best she could.
The dear was definately trying, and Professor Elwood appreciated that.

"Sort of." She grinned. "The quadrents can mean things for people but the stones are not being seperated, just the reading feild, the circle we are throwing them into." She would hopefully understand more once Callie did a sample reading for them herself.
Originally Posted by Deniiz View Post
Joćo wrote what he could catch as fast as he could in his notebook. He copied the list and would have liked to think on them for a moment, but the professor was already asking things and he had to listen to her. Hearing a few answers, he figured his answer would be wrong again. But he would go by his logic. And who knew? Maybe even Kurumi was wrong and he would be right?


Raising his hand, he said "There are 3 sections, perhaps? One for the past, one for the present and one for future." Because only that was the phases of interpreting.
Not quite the correct answer but still a good guess.

"Not exactly dear, but definately a well thoughtout conclusion. This reading will be seperated into 12 sections and will only be dealing with the future." She smiled at him before moving on.

Calista crossed her legs and rearranged her skirts before moving on. "Very good answers everyone, even those who were not technically correct, I see the thought processes that went into those educated guesses." She grinned at them all, and made a mental note of those who were taking notes.

The warmth was definately creating a cozy learning environment and she was just glad she could wear sandals without her toes freezing off. Anyways back to teaching. "Many of you suggested correctly that our lithomancy reading field would be seperated into 12 sections that represent the upcoming 12 weeks of the reader or subject's life. Mister Vickers suggested a parent seperation class before that, 4 quadrants." She paused and went to the board to draw the diagram.

Originally posted by Blackboard
"This should help you better understand the concept. The black dividing lines are the 4 quadrants, the 12 green lines mark the one-week long periods." She sat the chalk back down into it's holder and returned to her seat.

Hopefully they were all copying this down, she understood it was more information than the last lesson but it was still all very important. "Before I set you loose to do something on your own, I am going to go over one more term and then ask you for your thoughts on another. When casting the stones into the reading field we will be studying where they fall, in what sections and in relation to others. So one of the important terms to think about when deciphering your lithomancy reading is the one called Cluster/s." The Blonde paused while they students wrote away. "Clusters are exactly what they sound like, they are groups of stones that have fallen closely together and seem to have something to do with each others." Yeah, easy enough. "So here's an example, say in my first section (the first week after the reading in my future) 2 stones fell directly beside each other, forming a cluster, Venus and Mercury. Now perhaps that means I will be able to communicate more freely with someone I love or perhaps they will finally approach me?" And no that had nothing to do with her pesonal life!

So now for their turn to answer something. "What do you think pointers are in a reading." If they thought about clusters they should hopefully get pointers.
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