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Old 06-06-2012, 02:08 PM   #86 (permalink)
Mad Eye Touz
Dark Force Defense League

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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Zahra Kettleburn
Seventh Year
Default OHhhh Paaaauuulliieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.
Inside Kitty | HIT ENTER | UNO Queen

SPOILER!!: The Head Boy Glares.
Originally Posted by Cedric View Post

Oh! Well, look who showed up: his Alchemy partner! Paulie threw Stella a characteristic lopsided smile as the girl claimed a seat beside him. "Hey," he greeted simply. His eyes wandered suddenly, though, when he felt someone looking at him. And someone WAS looking at him. Glaring, more like it.

Aspen Odessa.

But, because he was in class and because he was a Hogwarts leaderrr, he only narrowed his eyes at the girl who had blew her top at him in Charms. Maybe if he caught her as they walked out of class, he would taunt her with a line or two about Cornelius and/or Joao.

The corners of his lips upturned slightly at Pirate Elwood's response to his theory. Perhaps Scabior WAS using his abilities to beat them to the Great Hall. You never know.

Aspen glared right BACK. He was so transparent, too, she noted. He was thinking about her, he was scheming. Aspen turned in her seat so that she could watch him. Hopefully, he'd start squirming. She discreeeeetely inched her wand out and gently tapped it against her leg.

Tap... tap.... LOOK...tap.... and smiiiiiiiiile. Innocent Odessa, just thoughtfully gazing at the Head Boy. Nothing to worry about.

Originally Posted by DanialRadFAN01 View Post

Despite the obvious sarcasm she had just heard escape Miss Odessa's mouth, Callie was appreciative of the correct answer coming next. "Very good. Although it doesn't have to seem so depressing, it mainly shows us our place in the grand scheme of things." Another stone to add to the master list.

Hmmm? Aspen turned her attention from baiting the Head Boy back to.... the Professor. Depressing? Didn't have to seem so depressing? Aspen frowned at the Professor.

It was the same thing. Was the truth depressing to the Professor? Wasn't that interesting. Aspen would stick to the truth, facts, and... not give more "depressing answers". No. She chose not to answer the next question and went back to Head Boy Watching. HBW.
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