Post2 @Herbology Task Force Mission1 Ability is nothing without Opportunity | | Creativity is Intelligence having FUN
Bright blue eyes scanned the ground, looking for material pliable enough to twist and bend for his project. He started to open the cupboards and found a rather large roll of stiff netting and some long wooden skewers to make sure the netting can stand and was sturdy enough to carry the weight of a climbing, flowering vine.
He lay the materials on the ground and started with the netting, cutting off a piece then rolled and twisted it into a support structure that looked very much like a letter R. He inserted the thick skewers at certain places to make the netting stand, ensuring that there is a good enough length at the end that will later be buried into the soil. Having done with one letter, he proceeded to repeat the process but with other letters of the message. It was a bit tedious, and at times frustrating for the Ravenclaw lad, but finally he was done.
Now he needed to prep the pot where these pieces are supposed to go in.