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Old 06-06-2012, 06:27 AM   #77 (permalink)

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SPOILER!!: Professor
Originally Posted by DanialRadFAN01 View Post

Locating energy? Professor Elwood thought for a moment over the Slytherin girl's answer but had to shake her head. "Not exactly, but a good guess."
"Great guesses everyone but those of you who said Lithomancy are correct. Today we are going to learn how to perform this sect of Divination and how do a basic reading." She allowed the stones to fall out of her hand and back into the bowl. "Firstly to do a reading you will need a stone set that we will take care of in just a moment. The actual process of doing the reading is like what some of you mentioned before by tossing the stones into a circle made of string that will act as our field." She paused to allow them to copy it down if they wanted.

"Once the stones are in the feild we will read them by their position. Now before we get too far ahead of ourselves into the actual reading, let's stay focussed on the stones. If you notice I have both semi-precious and regular stones mixed together in this bowl, varying in different colors." She lifted the bowl for them to see the variety. "So unlike Gem Divination like Miss Greingoth mentioned, the stones you chose to represent the ones in your set can be more of a personal preference rather than a locked in, regulated pattern."

Now onto the question that would lead them into further understanding. "A few of you mentioned planets and other things being represented by the stones but they also represent other things much like the numbers in an Arithmancy reading. There are 13 of them in total and I would like you to please tell me one of the stones and what you think it would represent."

OCC: So please only give ONE stone and it's meaning so everyone can participate.

EDIT: Yes, I know I've seen some sites that say 16 stones but we are going with the original 13. I will make a definate list before we move on.

What the heck was Lithomancy? Zhenya shrugged to herself and continued to listen to the Professor. When she paused, Zhenya realised she should probably be taking notes, so she quickly pulled out some paper and a quill and began neatly writing everything she remembered down. Slowly she was understanding what Lithomancy was and how they did it and why. She decided to listen and, as students said what some of the stones and their meanings were, she wrote them down in a small table she had drawn up.

Originally Posted by DanialRadFAN01 View Post
"The reading field is seperated into sections, does anyone have an ideas as to how many and what they stand for?" Definately an intermediate question but she felt they could handle it.
Huh? She listened to what the Professor was saying but didn't completely understand. Maybe she wasn't as good as Divination as she thought. That centaur made it seem like a nonsense subject, but THIS Professor, without them, made it more of a subject requiring actual study and thinking. She was being challenged. But still... she had no idea. But, raising her hand she said "Professor are there thirteen sections? And they all stand for the different stones being used?"

always on the move
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