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Old 06-05-2012, 06:06 PM   #48 (permalink)

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Gaga Mafia Monster : MURPHY : Kelvin's SS!BFAM : Roro's Evil Twin : Ravlyndor : Gopher

SPOILER!!: Student Answers and Replies
Originally Posted by Jessiqua View Post
Zhenya didn't know what those stones for, let alone why they were using them. What were they? She sheepishly raised her hand and said "Erm... using stones in Divination could help uh... with locating energy," she guessed. She knew that some people used stones in massages to help with centering the person, or something... maybe they could be used to help locate energy in the future. Shaking her head, she decided to just listen to what all the other students thought.
Locating energy? Professor Elwood thought for a moment over the Slytherin girl's answer but had to shake her head. "Not exactly, but a good guess."
Originally Posted by Macavity View Post

"Aye, I am," Gideon confirmed as the professor returned his greeting and spoke of his position. The sixth year softly smiling as loosly thanked him for his appearance as a school leader. He went to take out some parchment and a quill as Professor Elwood greeted the rest of those students who entered and said hello to her, returning his attention to the front when the class was begin in ernest.

Oh..there had been stones there, the prefect hadn't noticed them in the bowl or the bowl itself on the desk. He had been meerly settling in. Gideon tried to think of what they could be doing, an idea popping to mind of something he thought to have read in passing. "Could we be to learn about it litmacy?" he asked supplying a tentative answer after raising his hand.
Calista turned and called on the Gryffindor Prefect she had just met a few minutes ago and listened to his answer, which was slightly off. Perhaps he had just mispoke?

"Not litmacy but Lithomancy. Close enough though, perhaps you just read the word wrong?"
Originally Posted by Meizzner View Post
Nigel was just sitting at his desk starting off into space wondering what those glittering rocks where for. When he heard the Professor ask the question to what he was just thinking. How weird Nigel thought.

The rocks were really interesting to Nigel because he still had no idea what they were for. But he could take a guess. "Umm Professor maybe the awesome glittering stones are for finding lost things"
Oh the ideas children come up with. Callie couldn't help but smile.

"No, unfortunately these stones will not help us find our lost things but wouldn't that be nice?"
Originally Posted by sweetpinkpixie View Post
Kurumi blushed slightly at Professor Elwood's response to her, chewing on her lip absently. Kurumi had actually considered dropping the subject, but she was still trying to keep her options open for after Hogwarts. However, her conversation with Professor Williamson had pretty much set her straight and she really didn't need Divination anymore...but all fields of magic were somehow related, so, here she was.

Rather reluctantly.

When Professor Elwood showed them a handful of small stones, Kurumi leaned forward in her seat a bit to try and get a better look at them. Was there any connection to the color? Probably not, or if there was it was in some abstract way that meant more guesswork. Pfft. Still, Kurumi was reminded of another where they used stones at one point but used wood more often than not.

Slowly, but with purpose to a certain extent, Kurumi raised her hand. "Are we...going to use them to create Divination's form of an rune set?" Kurumi chewed on her lip before continuing, although Professor Elwood really didn't have to hear what she said next. "Or playing Divine marbles." You know, the sort where you used your Inner Eye to throw them or some other ridiculous notion like that.
"Yes, that's a really good way of putting it Kurumi!"

She should have known the Prefect would see what it was they were doing, the blonde had heard that Professor Jenkins had done lots of handson stuff with them in Runes. She didn't catch the marbes comment though.
Originally Posted by TakemetotheBurrow View Post
Ella eyed the stones the professor was holding curiously. Hmmm. What could stones like that be used for in relation to Divination? Well Ella had read that people sometimes read tea leaves. Maybe they could read stones as well? "Professor, I was thinking about tea leaves and how they create shapes at the bottom of the symbols. Do the stones do something similar? Maybe if you shook them up and let them fall or something? Then you could um-read there meaning."
"Excellent thoughts Miss Bishop, we will be tossing these stones and dechipering their shapes and position." It was quite the guess but correct. The young Hufflepuff was actually on the right track.
Originally Posted by FireboltAvis88 View Post
Alyssa thought for awhile before raising her hand. "Professor, could we be doing some kind of reading using the stones and semi precious stones you are holding in your hand. I believe that it's called Lithomancy."

"Each stone represents something. Like the planets or something like that."
"Good Miss Potter." Another well researched answer from the Hufflepuff girl. She even got the part where things were represented.
Originally Posted by nogoodforyou View Post
The stones.

Well, it was obvious that they were going to use them, but Nora had no idea why. But then... she remembered reading something about using stones in Divination, so she raised her hand. "Does it have something to do with Lithomancy?" She knew the book said that it used stones, but maybe they weren't the same type of stones, or...

... blehh. She had no idea what she was talking about.
"It certainly does have to do with Lithomancy Miss Reed." Callie nodded at the Slytherin because really it had EVERYTHING to do with Lithomancy.
Originally Posted by Bazinga View Post
Minerva thought about the stones from last term and put her hand up. "Professor will we use them to look for bird patterns. We did that last term with stones, but I don't think the stones looked like that though." she all of the sudden wasn't sure if it would be the same or not. Those stones were different, but oh well it was a guest at least.
Bird Patterns?

Callie looked at the girl for a minute trying to think of how that would be used for that. Did they throw the stones at the poor birds?! "No, that is not what these stones are for but good guess."
Originally Posted by Steelsheen View Post
His eyes widened a bit and blushed a tad deeply "N-No Ma'am I wont-- cant, not from here." Well he didnt throw anything at trees last time either, he fell on the ground and nearly knocked himself unconscious and the next thing he knew, the wagon was in a tree. Luckily too.

Ah but now to the task at hand. His eyes went to the stones on the bowl and now in her hand. There was Divination using stones? He had a blank look on his face, because the first thing in his head had stones remotely related to Divination were Runes pieces. And he didnt see their Runes Professor to indicate this was a joint class.

A tentative hand goes up "Professor, could we be making a talisman out of those?" Plenty of such items used gemstones or some kind of exotic piece from nature.
"A talisman is a great guess and would definately be fun, but not what we are doing today Mister Vickers." She nodded politely at the boy before moviing on to the next student.
Originally Posted by Anna Banana View Post
Sierra craned her neck to see what was going on in the front of the room. She watched as the professor showed the different types of stones she had. She'd heard about something similar to this before. Actually, she'd heard about a few types of divination using stones. "Well, Professor, some people have already mentioned Lithomancy," she said, raising her hand, "but there's also gem stone divination." It really could be either at this point.
"Gem stone Divination is a good idea and is very similar to what we are doing but we are going to stick with the basic Lithomancy for this lesson. Gem stone Divination not only has a few different ways to read the stones it also, the name sort of gives that away, only uses gem stones and is more strict with what stone can be used as which." She would keep in mind the other variations and such for furture lessons possibly or to add to her notes for them to look at.
Originally Posted by FearlessLeader19 View Post
After looking intently at the various coloured stones, Jory raised his hand. "We can probably use them to make predictions by assigning something to each stone, like Alyssa said, the planets for example.'' he said.
"Yes, good." She nodded at the Hufflepuff boy and his answer.
Originally Posted by Vanillasweetheart View Post
Does anyone have any idea what we might use these stones for in a Divination lesson?

Chelle paused for a moment to think. She had read about something called 'Lithomancy' in a book, a really long time back. If she remembered correctly, every stone had a different symbol and every symbol could be interpreted to give a different meaning. She wasn't sure if that was what they were going to do that day, but she decided to give it a shot.

"Professor, I had once read about how stones had different symbols which could be interpreted in different ways. This is called 'Lithomancy'," she answered, nervously.

Was that correct? Or did I just embarrass myself?
"Lithomancy is what we are doing today, what you read about is correct." She grinned proudly at the Ravenclaw and turned to the next student.
Originally Posted by Lollipop! View Post

Que puzzled frown.

Blue did NOT know this one. She was a first year, for Merlin's sake people. She wasn't going to know everything. But she could guess everything. Like how she guess that the world was actually flat and the Columbus lied. Blue raised her hand. "Professor Elwood, I think we're gonna use the pretty stones to create sparks and use the sparks to tell ther futah." Obviously it would be a very difficult task but it was magic after all.


She had obviously said the right thing.



"Instead of palm reading - stone reading."

"Well, we won't be making the stones spark, but we are reading them. Their position when the fall is what will make up our readings." The young girl was definately interested it seemed.
Originally Posted by Dan and Emma<3 View Post
Different colors of stones.

Tiffany had no idea with this kind of thing. She got nothing from her memories of methods that involved stones. So she decided to look up in her book. She flipped it randomly and searched from line to line. Then...she got it!

"It was Lithomancy,"she answered."The methods that due with stones."
Watching the Gryffindor girl searching in her book, she nodded when she found the answer and gave it. "Good work, yes, Lithomancy is what we are going today."
Originally Posted by verbain View Post
Stones. Theodore closed his eyes tightly for a moment, then opened them.

Stupid. Questions were stupid.

Nonetheless, he held his hand up into the air, "Are we building a stone patio today? To go around our fortune teller carts?" It was a long shot, and from listening on to the other students, Theodore soon realized that he was probably wrong.
This boy made Calista laugh.

After a small chuckle, the Divination Professor spoke to him, reassuring him that they were not going to be building anything else for a while. "No, we won't be building any patios, but you may certainly do that in your off time if you'd like."
Originally Posted by hjhm View Post
The first question was up and Jonathan's head, snapped at the Professor when he asked about the stones. Jonathan looked at the stones, what could they use with these that connects with Divination. He has heard of this before. Was it taken up once on a lecture about 2 or 3 terms ago? No? Jonathan completely have forgotten. Uhmmm, it has something to do with Lit-something, Lyco--- nope. Not that...


Jonathan's hand shot up to answer "Professor, the stones can be used for Lithomancy" as he can recall.
"That is correct Mister Kim." Callie nodded at the Slytherin's answer.
Originally Posted by vijaya View Post
Zack was very quite since he entered the class. He wasn't in much of a good mood but divination being one of his favorite subjects he thought this would make his mood better. He felt his mood change when the class was finally started.

He looked at the stones showed by professor and something clicked in his mind. He knew this one. He knew stones were used in divination as well. He quickly raised his hand and said "Professor just like in ancient runes, stones can also be used in divinaio. Just like to know their daily horoscope. It is called Lithomancy" he said bring his hand down.
"Lithomancy is what we are doing today but usually it isn't used for daily readings but for a longer period of time. There are some smaller readings for shorter periods of time but they typically aren't as accurate." The Gryffindor had been on the right track.
Originally Posted by Mad Eye Touz View Post

... hehe.

Aspen was glad that this was West's friend. Though it was said sincerely from the young Slytherin, Aspen liked his answer best. Hers was similar.

"Aren't we using the stones to make jewelry for ourselves, since the most important part of Divination is looking the part?"
asked the Odessa with a perfect poker face. She put her hand down and did her best not to grin. Aspen knew she shouldn't have said a word, but well... sometimes she just couldn't help herself.

Sarcasm was NOT appreciated. Only when she, the Professor, did it. She had used it when doing that part of the last lesson to make a point of how dressing WASN'T really the most important part just what many people thought.

"No Miss Odessa, we are not making jewelry. And I am glad you remember the superficial mistake that many people make when thinking about Divination."

Callie looked at the Ravenclaw girl, Aspen Odessa, the one some of the other Professors had mentioned in passing for being rather bright.

Originally Posted by Princesspower View Post
"The stones can probably be used For Lithomancy. As we are in the British Isles, will we be using 13 stones?" Sarah inquired.
"Yes, Lithomancy is correct." The Divination Professor nodded at the Gryffindor.
Originally Posted by hpfan18 View Post
Annabelle looked at the stones. She was thinking about why they would use the stones. "Hmm Professor, could they use the stones for some type of energy?"
"Not an energy persay, but just for a reading." Although energies did help power Divination. Good guess.

Originally posted by Deniiz
Joćo raised his hand, though his questions had no similar points with the previous answers. Maybe he was the wrong one? In any case...

"We throw them in the air and then make our reading looking at how they fall?" There WAS such a thing, right?
"That is the basic idea, yes. Although we sort of just let them fall, throwing won't be necessary." Callie certainly didn't want them to throw rocks in her classroom, there were too many things to be broken doing that; kids might get hurt too.

"Great guesses everyone but those of you who said Lithomancy are correct. Today we are going to learn how to perform this sect of Divination and how do a basic reading." She allowed the stones to fall out of her hand and back into the bowl. "Firstly to do a reading you will need a stone set that we will take care of in just a moment. The actual process of doing the reading is like what some of you mentioned before by tossing the stones into a circle made of string that will act as our field." She paused to allow them to copy it down if they wanted.

"Once the stones are in the feild we will read them by their position. Now before we get too far ahead of ourselves into the actual reading, let's stay focussed on the stones. If you notice I have both semi-precious and regular stones mixed together in this bowl, varying in different colors." She lifted the bowl for them to see the variety. "So unlike Gem Divination like Miss Greingoth mentioned, the stones you chose to represent the ones in your set can be more of a personal preference rather than a locked in, regulated pattern."

Now onto the question that would lead them into further understanding. "A few of you mentioned planets and other things being represented by the stones but they also represent other things much like the numbers in an Arithmancy reading. There are 13 of them in total and I would like you to please tell me one of the stones and what you think it would represent."

OCC: So please only give ONE stone and it's meaning so everyone can participate.
Tree Stone: Represents growth, leafiness, etc.
EDIT: Yes, I know I've seen some sites that say 16 stones but we are going with the original 13. I will make a definate list before we move on.

Last edited by DanialRadFAN01; 06-05-2012 at 06:32 PM.
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