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Old 06-05-2012, 03:16 PM   #44 (permalink)
Mad Eye Touz
Dark Force Defense League

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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Zahra Kettleburn
Seventh Year
Inside Kitty | HIT ENTER | UNO Queen

SPOILER!!: That Head Boy
Originally Posted by Cedric View Post

Favorite class, right meow.

With a smile plastered across his face, Paulie made his way into the divination classroom. "Hey, Professor Elwood," he greeted, while he set his books and bag at his desk. The Gryffindor pulled out his chair and sat down as he remarked, "Ya know, I was thinkin'.. I'm pretty sure Professor Scabior has the lightest tread in the history of mankind, or something. I have this theory that he doesn't walk, but that he hovers." Or maybe he walks on a very thin margin of air. Hmm. Either way, he'd been as silent as a mouse when he snuck up on them in Hogsmeade!

As he pulled out some ink and parchment from his bookbag, he noticed the bowl of stones. Ooh. Hopefully this lesson would be as good as the last.


Aspen tried to ignore the Head Boy. Like, in general and always, ignore him. It was best for Ravenclaw.

But really.


He made it impossible. She turned and LOOKED at him for his question, for his speaking, for his THEORY. Pah. She made a note in her notebook, another gem of dialogue from the Head Boy.

SPOILER!!: West's little buddy
Originally Posted by verbain View Post
Stones. Theodore closed his eyes tightly for a moment, then opened them.

Stupid. Questions were stupid.

Nonetheless, he held his hand up into the air, "Are we building a stone patio today? To go around our fortune teller carts?" It was a long shot, and from listening on to the other students, Theodore soon realized that he was probably wrong.

... hehe.

Aspen was glad that this was West's friend. Though it was said sincerely from the young Slytherin, Aspen liked his answer best. Hers was similar.

"Aren't we using the stones to make jewelry for ourselves, since the most important part of Divination is looking the part?"
asked the Odessa with a perfect poker face. She put her hand down and did her best not to grin. Aspen knew she shouldn't have said a word, but well... sometimes she just couldn't help herself.

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