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Old 06-05-2012, 01:50 AM   #28 (permalink)
Holmesian Feline

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Join Date: Oct 2006
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Marcus Briody Cole

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Nadia Atreyu-Rehman
Sixth Year
x8 x8
Toothless - Napoleon of Crime - Gryffinclaw - Owl Emissary - Pirate Auror - DoctorDonna

Originally Posted by DanialRadFAN01 View Post
SPOILER!!: All the happy students!

As Callie waited for the students to arrive she had been looking at the bowl of stones on the desk but quickly lifted her eyes to see the first of the kids arrive, the little Ravenclaw that had come to her office after the first lesson asking how to become a Seer.

Glad to see that the girl seemed to be in high spirits, Callie smiled and gave her a greeting in return. "Hello Blue." That was her name right? She had mentioned it when they talked.

"Hello there Miss Bishop." It was good to see some of the younger students here, excited to learn about Divination. It made her smile.

"Welcome, good to see you again." Professor Elwood nodded at the boy as he took a seat.

As a Slytherin came in and greeted her, the blonde couldn't help but notice the attention the stones had created for her students. "Hello there, good to see you again." She said kindly to the girl she recognized from the last lesson.

Oh someone was excited to learn!

"Hello there, come on in and take a seat!" Callie chirped right back.

"Hello again. Welcome, welcome." The blonde professor said politely as she watched the Hufflepuff girl take a seat beside her friend.

A small nod and smile went to the Gryffindor girl as she quietly entered the room and took a seat.

The next Gryffindor to enter the room was one she didn't recongnize from her lessons but had passed some in the corridors and in the Great Hall; he had a Prefect's badge on his robes.

"Welcome Mister Prefect, you must be Kurumi's partner for Gryffindor House. It's good to have another one of Hogwart's leaders in my Divination class." She hadn't seen him in her first lesson but that was a while back and he was here now.

The next boy to enter after the Prefect was one of the crew that had flipped their wagon into the tree.

"Welcome back Mister Vickers. I trust you won't be throwing anything into the trees from way up here, correct?" She said with a teasing tone and a smile. She noticed him looking around but couldn't think of what he was possibly looking for.

"Hello there dear, its good to see you again." the Divination professor smiled as the girl took her seat.

Watching the small boy practically bounce across the room into his seat and give her an enthusiastic 'hi', Callie returned one to him and watched as he looked at the stones.

"Oh hello there Paulie, good to see you again." Professor Elwood like the Head Boy. He had been polite and well mannered in her last lesson and after they had run into each other in Hogsmeade the other day he had seemed to be quite the little gentleman and whatnot.

A theory, huh? She listened and when he finished she giggled. "Well, I shall have to ask him about that. Professor Scabior may be tricking us all with his hovering, he must be trying to beat us all down to the Great Hall for meals."

"Glad you like it. I can't stand how cold this Castle gets in some places." She said with a nod towards the fireplace that was sending waves of heat into the Classroom.

Calista turned away from the Gryffindor commenting on the room's temperature and then faced the Ravenclaw girl entering the room now. "Oh hello there dear. I am looking forward to the holidays, are you?" She didn't have any major plans but to stay at the Castle mostly, possibly go to Diagon Alley some or visit a few friends.

The trapdoor flung open and regurgitated a Hufflepuff boy who was gasping slightly as if he had been chased the whole way here.

"Good day to you too, are you alright?" She was just slightly concerned that she was going to have to call the Healer up here for him.

"Hello. I am doing quite well, thank you. I actually just got back from a walk around the grounds. It's so lovely up here in the Winter." She smiled at the girl and then looked to see who else was filing in.

The next student to arrive was the male Slytherin Prefect, the one she remembered from the previous lesson, Seirra's partner. "Hello Prefect Escalante."

More people to stare at the stones. heh.

"Welcome dear, we will be starting soon." she nodded at the Gryffindor. was Kimalia, the girl who liked to jump from trees.

"Miss Fanster, it's good to see you again, and I guess congratualtions are in order on your win against Hufflepuff Captain." She smiled and nodded for her to take her seat.

"Hello Kurumi, glad to see you haven't given up on the subject." She scrunched up her nose in a grin and showed her teeth, trying to supress a chuckle. She had remembered how the girl had answered a quetion or two in the previous lesson with not too much positives about the stuff.

"Hello dear, go ahead and take a seat and we will start soon." The class was starting to get pretty full after all. She couldn't keep them waiting to see what was going to happen today.

Another out of breath student.

She walked those stairs everyday and never got that out of breath. Maybe she should make them run up and down a few times? Nah. No time. "Welcome dear, I am doing fine. Yourself?"

"Welcome Prefect Greingoth." Callie smiled to the girl. She may not have enjoyed herself as much as Professor Elwood would have hoped but she had helped her out in the fiasco of a wagon in a tree.

Now that the students had all filled into the room from the trapdoor in the floor, Professor Elwood closed it and walked back to her desk where she stopped and leaned against it's front.

"Hello everyone and welcome to Divination Lesson Two on this cold dreary day. Thankfully we have some heat built up in this tower so we won't freeze to death while trying to learn." Surely the poor Slytherin kids were happier than the rest having a respite from their no doubt frigid dungeons.

As she greeted them all she stuck a hand into the bowl of stones and pulled out a handfull, and held it out for them to see. In her palm were some clear shiney stones, a few red ones, a dark blue one, and some regular looking brown ones. "Does anyone have any idea what we might use these stones for in a Divination lesson?" Not a hard question just a thinker.
"Aye, I am," Gideon confirmed as the professor returned his greeting and spoke of his position. The sixth year softly smiling as loosly thanked him for his appearance as a school leader. He went to take out some parchment and a quill as Professor Elwood greeted the rest of those students who entered and said hello to her, returning his attention to the front when the class was begin in ernest.

Oh..there had been stones there, the prefect hadn't noticed them in the bowl or the bowl itself on the desk. He had been meerly settling in. Gideon tried to think of what they could be doing, an idea popping to mind of something he thought to have read in passing. "Could we be to learn about it litmacy?" he asked supplying a tentative answer after raising his hand.
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