Originally Posted by
verbain Theo wrapped his arms around the statue's neck but felt incredibly unsteady. Oh, Merlin... He arms were not muscular enough for this. So... he just hung there for a few moments.
Cos if he let go, he'd probably break his legs, knowing him.
"Errrr...." His head turned the best it could and it was that girl from the snowball fight! Ella! The one who almost gave him a black eye. "Just hanging around."
The second year couldn't be serious any longer at Theo's surprise. Just hanging around?
Heh. This kid was funny! And just look at him, legs flailing, hanging from the neck of a witch. What a sight.
"Yeah, I can see that." She said with a smile.
"Andddd how's that working out for you? The hanging, I mean?" Because it didn't look like the lurker had much of a plan now that he was just chilling, arms around the witches neck...Ella grinned.
Walking forward a bit so she was standing close enough to maybe save Theo if he lost his grip, Ella smirked at the boy.
"You weren't practicing kissing or something like that, were you Theodore?" She asked teasingly, eyebrows raised. Poor kid. With the position he was currently stuck in it actually wasn't that far fetched!