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O__O Ella jumped a bit when Cardigan yelled said no. Why had she said that so forcefully? It was quite strange, actually, and made Ella feel even more strongly that there was more to the situation than Cardigan was sharing. She didn't like it, being out of the loop. Though she wasn't entirely sure she was even involved in whatever Cardigan was keeping secret so...Gah, it was all too confusing!
"That's not what, what?" Ella asked, confused. What were they even talking about any more. Ella felt like they were just going in dizzying circles and her head was starting to hurt. Did she mean that she wasn't avoiding Ella? She wished Cardigan wouldn't speak in so many riddles, that would make things much more clear for the twelve year old. Why was this so complicated, anyway? They both liked the same boy for a time and said boy had hurt them both, in a way. Those were the facts, yeah? So what else was there to say? Boys complicated things far too much, in Ella's opinion. She made a vow not to get involved with any other ones for a while.
*"That's not what I'm all..uneasy, about," Cardigan said. Why did they have to become friends in the first place? Why couldn't she just have said sorry that day and been on her way? Why couldn't she just have never gotten involved with these people? Why couldn't she just have moved out of the country? Wait wait wait. Why would she wanna do that?! I mean, she did wanna get out of these people's lives since she was obviously just hurting 'em, but move out of the country for it? Too extreme. Way too extreme. Besides, the snake had limited options on where to move to, such as Russia, Hungary, Ukraine, the USA; so on and so forth. Those were places where she could move to, if so. But, she had to go to Hogwarts. She had to. It just wasn't an option, not going.
*Cardigan had to find someway to keep her two friends from asking about it. This was just SO CONFUSING! Why why why. Why why why. Why why why. If only Logan was here... Then, she wouldn't have to deal with the heavy burden of keeping the idea of them not being friends, specifically meaning only Cardigan separating and Logan and Ella staying friends, a secret. Only a little bit longer. Just a little bit.