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Minerva smiled, "Well fierce or not this lion isn't fighting." She kissed his cheek. She didn't need him fighting any battles over her and quidditch. It was a game and she would be fine. She did think it was cute how much he worried about her though. "Just think if I wasn't on the team or didn't get hurt, my knight would get bored with nothing to do." She giggled and put her head on his shoulder. Minerva frowned, "Maxwell if you want to play, play don't not play because I'm on another team."
Maxwell sighed. "All Lions need to fight sometime." He said with a smirk and kissed hers back. "Your Knight would relax and focus on making everything perfect for you, but prepared for defend you again at any time." He said thinking about the last part. "nahh Quidditch is fun too watch but it sounds like too much discipline to me...besides all the cute girls aren't on my team..."