06-02-2012, 08:18 AM
#141 (permalink)
Join Date: May 2009 Location: Home ♔
Posts: 7,300
Hogwarts RPG Name: Tilly C. Richards First Year | Bluejay | Potatopop! | SRS - Stupid Ravenclaw Syndrome { Sylvie Anya Chevalier }
[sil-v-ee sh-ev-al-air] Name: Sylvie Chevalier
Nicknames: Syl – call her that and die...just saying.
Age: 28
DoB: March the 13th, 2048
PoB: Bordeaux, France
Current Residence: Oxford, England
School: Beauxbatons Academy for Magic
Year: Drop Out (see history)
Blood Status: Pureblood
Relationship Status: Single ... *shifty*
Past Occupations: Assistant for the Defence Against the Darks Art Professor at Beauxbatons
Occupation: Department of Magical Transportation; Senior Broom Supervisor { M i s c e l l a n e o u s } Wand: 14 inches, Willow, Veela Hair, Surprisingly Bendy
Amortentia: Cherry blossoms, peaches, old parchment
Patronus: Hummingbird
Best Subject: DADA
Worst Subject: Ancient Runes
Likes: Chocolate. ...That's all she's giving away
Dislikes: Being bored. People who give her trouble. Being nosy. Rudeness (even though she can be really rude). Roses (see history).
Fears: Being Alone. Being Hurt. Spiders. { M y. L o o k s. } Height: 5'8”
Weight: Too personal - she won't say.
Skin Color: Pale
Hair color: Blond
Eye Color: Brown
Takes After: Her mom but has her dad's blond hair
Young Sylvie: But with brown eyes
Style: Simple. Mainly wears jeans and floral patterns.
Other: Sylvie has a moving butterfly that “flies” from her lower back to her shoulder to her ankle but hangs mainly around her neck.
Face Claim: Emily VanCamp { F a m i l y - I. C o u l d. L i v e. W i t h o u t. T h e m }Mother – Alexandrie Chevalier (nee: Dupont) - 49
Father – Alain Chevalier (deceased) – would be: 52
'Real' Mother - Maman Alice (deceased)
Siblings - none
Cousins – Alive Dupont - 21
Pets – Rosie - Crup { A b o u t . M e } Alexandrie Dupont was working in a coffée shop while she was still training to be an auror at the french Ministry of Magic when Alain Chevalier walked in. He was immediately smitten with the girl but she point blank refused. That just made her him want her more and he chased her until he finally gave up and started dating... Alexandrie's ex-best friend. When Alexandrie found out her former best friend (she had done things like this several times therefor ending their friendship), she was livid and realised that she really did have feelings for Alain. After that, they fell inlove and well...the usual stuff.
Three years into their marriage, Alexandrie was expecting Sylvie – therefor ending her auror career for the time being. Alexandrie already resented the unborn baby because she loved her job and suddenly people were treating her different. She wasn't allowed do field work and people walked on eggshells around her. She hated it. Alain pretended not to notice that Alexandrie wasn't as excited as you would expect a soon-to-be mother was. After six months of hearing her complain about not being able to work instead of worrying about not being able to find a name for their baby girl, Alain cornered Alexandrie and asked her what was wrong and why wasn't she happy about becoming a mother.
She swore it wouldn't happen again and complained silently to herself. She forced herself to seem excited around Alain and picked out the name Sylvie though she didn't put much thought into it. On March the 13th (an unlucky day to Alexandrie) she and Alain were blessed (or burdened in Alexandrie's opinion) with a beautiful baby girl. Alexandrie took only two months off and got stuck back into work, leaving Sylvie in the care of an old woman, Alice, who lived a little down the way. Sylvie's first word was Maman shortly followed by Alice to become Maman Alice. The old woman was more a mother to Sylvie than Alexandrie ever was.
Alexandrie spent long hours in work and when people asked how was her daughter getting a long she would just say fine. Sylvie grew up convinced that Alice was her real mother and when she was six years old, Alice unfortunatly passed away, leaving Sylvie devastated. For weeks Sylvie stayed home from school sick, stayed iin bed and whispered to her teddy about Alice and how much she missed her. Alain would drop in often and give her food, read her stories though she never listened. It was when Alexandrie came home angry because an evil wizard had once again had slipped through her grasp. When she found out that Sylvie was still wallowing she ran into the little girl's room and told her it was time to get over herself and that Maman Alice wasn't even close to her.
Sylvie's little six-year-old heart was broken and she never forgave her mother. The older Sylvie got, the more her hatred grew and grew. The rare times Alexandrie would come home early and try to have a serious mother-daughter talk with Sylvie, Sylvie would find an excuse not to talk whether that it was that she felt sick or tired or her friend was calling for her. Sylvie grew farther and farther apart from her mother and closer to Alain who was always there for his beautiful daughter.
It was when Sylvie turned ten that a surprise was waiting for her when she went down stairs in the morning. Alain was sitting at the table, staring at a piece of parchment. Alexandrie had felt that she was under too much stress and pressure dealing with family life and working as a full time lawyer. So she had left. To Sylvie, they were better off without her but Alain was heartbroken. Despite all her flaws, he loved Alexandrie very much. His health seemed to get worse throughout the year. He seemed to get healthier and happier when Sylvie got her acceptance letter from Beauxbatons but whenever she came home for Summer and Christmas she could tell he was getting sicker and sicker.
She did brilliantly in her O.W.Ls – just as Alain expected. It was half-way through her sixth year that she got a letter from St. Therése's Hospital for Magical Maladies (the French version of St. Mungo's) saying that her father had been admitted with a very serious magical illness that had been delevoping for years and that they were going to keep him there permantly. Sylvie immediately left Beauxbatons (with permission from the Headmaster) and arrived at the hospital, fuming. After yelling at her father for not telling her about his illness, a nurse took her outside to comfort her. Sylvie refused to let them keep Alain permantly in the hospital, saying she'd drop-out of Beauxbatons and take care of him full time. After much arguing with her father, Beauxbatons soon recieved a letter saying she would not continue her education there.
After three years of taking care of him, Alain passed away. Sylvie was heartbroken. The D.A.D.A professor of Beauxbatons had always liked Sylvie and took her on as his assitant for a while. A while became eight years. But Sylvie got tired of being in France where so many bad things had happened to her. She moved to Oxford, London where she applied for the Ministry of Magic.
Sylvie has had commitment issues since her father died. She had a steady boyfriend till her sixth year when she dropped out. They said they'd try to get back together again when he got better but as he never did, they never got the chance. Since that relationship, Sylvie has only ever had boyfriends that lasted between a two weeks and a month. Her steady boyfriend gave her a charmed rose that would die when their relationship ended. The moment she decided to drop-out of Beauxbatons it started to wilt and she knew that they probably would never get a chance to be together again.
__________________  ... CONFIDENT ... FIERCE ... PERSISTENT ...
Last edited by Lissy Longbottom; 05-28-2013 at 12:50 PM.
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