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Old 05-31-2012, 10:29 AM   #19 (permalink)
Formerly: Harry174

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Sophie Smith
First Year
The Idea Man Kori-Kins

Originally Posted by LilFox06 View Post
Anya smiled. "Ooh! That sounds good! I like braiding. I could braid your hair!" she suggested.

She chuckled. "Yeah... but growing up has it's perks too. Like... you get more stuff... you know more..." And then there were boys... Anya was starting to like the growing up bit when it came to them. Even if they caused her to go into a fit of giggles.
Laura looked at Anya. "That's settled then we can do it one day soon." Laura smiled. "You should sleep over at my house next summer, I'm sure my mum wouldn't mind it." Laura smiled at Anya she was glad that they had made up and where friends again.

Laura looked at Anya. "Yeah I know that." Laura said truthfully, she was starting to fall for a guy but she didn't want anyone to know that just yet, she had only told her sister about it.
It's time for a party.
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