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Anya shook her head. "Nah. I was in Russia when I was a baby..." But that was another story. One that she was pretty sure Messer hadn't heard yet. Not that it was weird for her. She loved her life. And it wouldn't have happened if she hadn't been adopted. Other people just get weird when hearing that she was. Like they were worried they'd say something to offend her.
She chuckled. "Maybeeeh." she said in a sing-song voice. "But, he's my best friend. I'm afraid I can't just show off his embarrassing photos."
She shrugged. "Huskies and maltese dogs are pretty cute..." she said. She then chuckled. "That's hardily the same, Messer. You don't like ducks. And I do like dogs."
Aww. And there was a really cute fake pout. "Ohhh... you mean Blakey..." Anya said as if realizing for the first time what was going on. "It depends... there's different kinds of cute..." Like... there was no way that Messer could match Alec's nervous hair ruffle. But... Alec would never be as... energetic about stuff as Messer.
Plus, she kinda liked that Messer wasn't as weird as she pictured Alec to be during this type of conversation.
Anya blinked after Messer kissed her cheek. She played with her hair a bit... hoping to use it to hide some of the shade she felt coming toward her cheeks. "I guess... we're getting a bit too old to do pinky promises now..." she commented. She... should do it back, right? She gave Messer a kiss back on the cheek.
"I promise I don't have cooties." she said. "I haven't killed Blakey yet." Yup. Anya Phillips had cootie references. You know... if Messer was still afraid of cooties. Anya wasn't. She might have even kinda started to like them...
She then blinked. She'd been neglecting the ducks and just now realized it. Sneaky Messer.
"Russia. That's very very far away." Not to mention a very cold country maybe its colder than his home country.
Oh. Oh. Oh. He's very excited that she has that. He could use it as his new teasing material for Alec not that he need one but a back up plan always good. But unfortunately she won't show it to him.
"You're no fun, Anya." Another fake pout.
"Huskies is pretty cool dog." Especially when they're older. They look like a wolf. But maltese?
"I dunno if I agree with you on maltese." The dog is too .....
girly. Maybe that's why she think maltese is cute. Girls always likes something that girly.
How come its not the same. They're comparing to animals, no?
"True. But the ducky is an animal too." "Yes, that what I said. Blacky." He was pretty sure that the Gryffindor already understand what he's talking about from the beginning.
"There was?" How come he didn't know this? Hold on a second.
"That didn't answer my question, Anya." How come Alec could keep up with her was beyond him.
"Are you sure that the sorting hat put you in the right house?" She's too sneaky for a Gryffindor.
Pinky promise just for babies.
"Yeah. I guess so." he shrugged. Messer eyes eyes widened after Anya kissed his cheek. Did he catch cooties? He checked his body. He still alive and no cooties so far. Maybe the story about cooties is not entirely true. He should asked someone about this.
She doesn't? Good. That's comforting.
"Haven't killed Blakey?" *blinks*
"Why you want to kill Blakey?" Was that mean Blacky has cooties? o____O