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Old 05-29-2012, 09:17 PM   #13 (permalink)
Formerly: Harry174

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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Sophie Smith
First Year
The Idea Man Kori-Kins

Originally Posted by LilFox06 View Post
Anya stuck out her tongue at Laura. Yeah. If she was getting shoved, then Laura totally deserved a tongue poke.

Anya hugged the Hufflepuff back. "Sounds brilliant." she said with a nod. "If you think I can pull them off." She was normally pretty nice.

She chuckled. "Oh! I've always wondered what detentions were like..." Not enough to get one, but... she was curious. She giggled. "I'm guessing the wall won?" she asked.

She shrugged. "Just quidditch really." she said. "Oh! But I did get the sweetest birthday present from Blakey. He made me a scrapbook with lots of old pictures. And he wrote the nicest note I've ever seen." She really couldn't believe they'd been friends for a decade now.
Laura looked at Anya and stuck her tounge out of her before shoving her but accidently shoving her to hard and Anya went into the wall. "I'm sorry." Laura started to say but couldn't help but giggle, it had been so funny.

Laura smiled at Anya. "I'll have to see what detention is like, I bet it will be great." Laura giggled. "I'm glad that you had fun on your birthday and yes the wall did win."
It's time for a party.
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