Text Cut: Lezleighd
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Gemma was once again impressed with the students. She smiled at each of them as they answered. Surely most of them had just seen the movies and not rad any of this books. But either way, they were knowledgeable.
She looked at the two students that had brought up their concerns about not knowing any of the authors and thought about it for a minute. Se hadn't really thought about that. She was raised in a family that embraced the Muggle world and had never fully understood some wizarding families cutting their children off from the Muggle world. Even if you didn't support the Muggle world, you should still teach them about the other world just because. She glanced at the students again....and one of them was the Minister's daughter...how odd that he hadn't educated her a little bit more in Muggle affairs. Finally she said, "
O no worries. That's why Muggle Studies is still a class for those that aren't familiar with the ways of the Muggle World. We can learn so much from their past, present, and future endeavors that could help the Wizarding World as well. If you will just take good notes, I will give you credit through your home work assignments." she said encouragingly to the two students.
The professor focused back on the portrait and the movies and novels the students were throwing out there, "
All very good examples. This man is known as the Father of Horror and has created some pretty frightening imagery in his works. He is truly a pioneer in his field. His works continue to be used for inspiration in a variety of movies and other literature creations. " she said feeling a little shiver sneak down her spine as she thought about one of the movies mentioned.
It was not her idea of a fun time...there was just something about clowns that freaked her out.
Okay, now onto our last author of the day. Remember there are tons of amazing authors in Muggle history but I just chose a few to focus on. I wanted to throw in a woman author in to the mix." she said as she walked towards the last portrait, "
This lady is known for her poems. She is the author of over 250 various poems and was an inspiration for women during the nineteenth century." she flicked on the light of the portrait."
There may not be many of you that recognize her, but this Emily Dickson." she said glancing at the portrait. "
One of my favorite lines of hers is 'Hope is the thing with feathers, that perches in the soul, and sings the tune without words, and never stops at all.'"
She walked back to her chair and sat down grabbing a quick drink, "
Can anyone else share a famous poet, either Muggle or Wizard?" she asked hoping this would also encourage those that weren't familiar with the Muggle World.
Arghhhh...another portrait. Another unknown person. Sierra would go and talk to her parents about this lack of knowledge she had of Muggles, but... A) They'd make her check out some books from the library and start reading regularly, and B) Did she really care to know more about Muggles? She knew what she needed to know, but she didn't see herself living in the Muggle world anytime soon. As a matter of fact, she planned to live in Hogsmeade, like her parents, and wasn't that the only wizarding villiage in Great Britain? So see, she was covered as far as what she needed to know.
What about OWLS, though?!
...gulp. Realizing that little mistake in judgment, Sierra starting glancing around the room. What were the others saying?!
"Emily Dickinson?" she suggested, her hand raised. Err...yeah, whatever they said. Then they were allowed to suggest a famous poet, Muggle
or Wizard. Whew. They were back to magic...
"Ingolfr the Iambic," she said, raising her hand again.
"He wrote about Quidditch..." Which would be why she knew his name right off the bat.