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Mordred was seriously lost in the conversation, let alone Aurora talking too fast. “Wait, what thing?” he said as he got his wand off his sleeve again. Just to make sure it’s there. He missed it already. “What was in the letter?” he eyed Aurora as he drew a question mark with his wand on the grass. He sort of felt bad that he doesn’t know much about her parents. He felt...lost and useless.
He hung his head and tapped it with his wand, thinking of a response. “Should she have waited?” he thought. There really is no point of waiting if she didn’t feel anything for Kennedy, right? But did she? “Answer me honestly Aurora...” he said as he lifted his head and looked at her again. “No, just answer me with a YES or NO.” Wait, what does he know about these things anyway? He really wasn’t going to ask her anything that isn’t logical. “Do you still like Kennedy?” There. Pretty much she’d get her answer based on his question.
“New?” Mordred repeated. “From Durmstrang?” he asked, hoping she’d say yes. But if he’s from Beauxbatons....shudder. Boys and blue silks don’t go together.
Aurora shook her head,
"I can't talk about it..." she said, fiddling with the hem of her robes.
"But... it's something that could get my mother in a lot of trouble if some people found out..." As for what was in the letter...
"Well, it was more the fact that he wrote to her... because... because he shouldn't have known she was involved and I told him. So now I'm in trouble for it."
Honesty. Not a word Aurora was well acquainted with. Not that she lied very often, she just avoided telling people things sometimes. And then, he asked it. He asked her the thing everybody else seemed to have been dancing around. Did she still like Kennedy? She opened her mouth to say no. To tell him that was ridiculous. That she wouldn't have ended the relationship if she still liked him... but no sound came out.
"I..." Wait. I don't know was not a yes or no answer. Oh Merlin... did she?
"Well..." She bit her lip, if she said it she couldn't go back on it...
"I think so..." And she felt the sudden need to defend herself...
"But that's not the point... I mean... it's over. We can't... we can't fix it." She wasn't going to cry, but she couldn't speak very loudly - her body wouldn't let her defend herself...
"No he was homeschooled." Mhm. And had some stupid ideas about public school being terrible. Sigh.