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Walking over Adam picked up one of the cherry cokes, his person favorite, and a little bit of the caramel popcorn which he placed carefully on a napkin and began to head to an open chair when he heard a gasp near him, and what sounded vaguely like a lot of some liquid splashing to the floor. Turning Adam saw Kurumi frantically trying to clean up the mess. Setting down the food and drink Adam took a couple of the napkins and began to help Kurumi clean up the mess. "At least it's just water right?" Adam said with a soft smile, hoping that maybe it would take the mortified look off of her face.
Kurumi had a rather large wad of soaked napkins in her hand now, but at least she had managed to mop up most of the mess when she saw another set of hands appear out of nowhere. Startled at first, Kurumi flinched slightly, but then relaxed when she saw that it was just Adam...and he was helping her clean up. "
Y-Yeah," she stammered as she patted down the last of the slightly damp area. Now, where was the rubbish bin...Tossing the wet napkins away, Kurumi turned back to Adam and sort of bowed awkwardly. "
Thanks, Adam."
Kurumi grabbed the bowl of popcorn she had put together earlier, a mixture of all the flavors, and then glanced back towards Selina. "
You are welcome to come sit with Selina and I, if you want." Unless he already had somewhere he wanted to sit at, which was fine as well.