lol no it was funny xD Professor Pink | Mrs. Bruce Wayne | I'm on a Goat | Glitterpuff | Dumbledore's Defense Squad | BHB Quote:
Originally Posted by Meizzner Demetrius was shocked that he got the last name wrong, well he screwed up. "Ah sorry about that Wes, i guess i heard that name somewhere else maybe on TV or something, yes well, i was just turning the corner and heard you yell a name." Demetrius hoped he did not screw up to bad. "No worries, Demetrius." Wes nodded his head toward the ugly portrait behind him. "Yes, sorry, I just noticed my, a person I had once...." How did one explain Armen Recard? Might as well just tell it like it was. "My archnemesis was recently promoted, and this was how I found out. Thus the shouting with surprise."
He smiled grimly. "So! Demetrius. What level do you work on?" This wasn't one of his new hires, was it? Wes was pretty good at remembering people, and he didn't recall any Demetriuses on Level 2.
yeah, there's one thing about me that you should know________________________________  __________________________________________that I can't help from speaking my mind |