Who Am I? Ern's 2460FUN Sophie chuckled as the game started to fall into full swing. Gavin started the game off with a silly round of lies and truths that he had come up with. The first of the three was obviously a lie, but she did find his two truths really interesting. Then when the next person threw out their three facts, Sophie started to think about what would be true or not. That was when she realized she really did not know that much about her co-workers. Sophie was usually so pre-occupied being at her desk getting work done that she did not usually engage in the social conventions of the work place. Perhaps, now that she was seeing she did not know her peers so well, it would be wise to take breaks and get to know her fellow department members. Resigning herself to that she made a mental note to get out and about more.
Then Katrina walked into the room and Sophie smiled and curtly nodded at her. The pair of them had talked quite a few times over the years when they both had started out in the program. Since then they had not really got a chance to speak to one another, but she was always glad to see a familiar face.
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