Dylan eyed her carefully for a moment...Hide his treats better? Pfft. No, his dorm mates needed to learn not to go through his things. It was beyond rude...Not that he was going to say such a thing to this girl. It might come off the wrong way...and he really was trying to be better about his attitude towards his housemates.
Trying not to think about
that...because this girl obviously wasn't Slytherin (she was far too happy to be)...he smirked. Secrets, eh? Dylan enjoyed secrets...and she did look like a girl that had a few. Opting not to comment, he listened to her continue to talk. Naturally when she mentioned Quidditch, his eyebrows raised a bit.
"What position?"
Once again...Another girl that was totally beautiful...who wasn't afraid to get physical. He was, of course, assuming this since Quidditch could be a very physical sport...Something he'd quickly learned during Slytherin tryouts. Those bludgers were no nonsense...Yep, that had been the reason he'd went out for Beater. Being able to have something in his hands that could protect his face from those nasty things...
"Boring? I somehow find that very hard to believe, princess." *smirk*
He was still drawing a blank as far as who she was...
Glancing down, he eyed her legs one last time before turning back towards the fudge display. Dylan needed a distraction before he embarrassed himself...and a amazing pair of legs could cause just that.
"SO,..." *cough*
"What were you looking at? I bet you're a Dragon Fire fudge-type girl..."