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Old 05-21-2012, 11:54 PM   #170 (permalink)

Blast-Ended Skrewt
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Join Date: May 2006
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Sebastian Price
First Year
The Harpy of Hogwarts | Dungeon Mistress | Bimba di Serpeverde

Originally Posted by Vanillasweetheart View Post
Rebecca smiled at Gina. "Yes, everything is fine, thank you. I hope you're doing fine," she replied. Then she glanced at the door, wondering how many people were yet to come. Examining each head around the conference table, she thought to herself, Boy, that's not a lot of co-workers to get to know.
"Great," she clapped her hands and made all the trays fly about so everyone could have a cookie.

Originally Posted by HJPotter View Post
Jack laughed a little. "Sorry, Gina. I'm a little stealthy sometimes." He said looking at the cookies. "Did you make these?" He asked gesturing toward them.
"Oh heavens no, Jack," She said smiling. "My husband is the chef in our family, I'm just the eater." She grinned.

Originally Posted by XenoLongbottom View Post
Tabitha looked at the cookies Jack had gestured too. They did look good. She wanted to take one, but she didn't know if she was supposed to yet.
Tabitha smiled at one of the new girls. She seemed like a nice person to get to know.
"Please, have more than one. And talk to one another..." She said smiling.

Originally Posted by Green Ninja View Post
Taking a seat as others began joining them, he smiled at each one in turn. Lifting his mug of coffee to his lips he took a sip. No one new that he had noticed yet anyway. He was looking forward to the new employees who would be joining them soon. Lowering his mug he set it on the table but kept his hand wrapped around it.
"Gavin, darling... are you going to be so antisocial? Come on now..." She said playfully.

Originally Posted by ortalismusicoh View Post
Yes, Dart was just a little late, but did he care about other people's time not exactly. He felt that he was too important to worry about them. His morning had been so far amazing. He had spent it with Amy and they had quite a lovely breakfast together, which was he's excuse for being late. The good looking, Frenchie walked into the conference room with he's usual pride and arrogance. He looked over at he's boss and just gave a small nod. If she wanted a proper greeting, then she'd have to greet him first, it was just how this youngman worked.

The Le King stopped by the entrance and stood still, he then tugged onto he's jacket with one hand and with the other he ruffled he's fingers through he's hair. He just wanted to make sure everyone was aware of he's 'emezing' appearance. Dartanian then gave nod to everyone and continued walking.

Once he had reached the refreshments he stopped again, he picked up one small cookie. It smelled good to him. Without further or do, he brought the cookie to he's mouth and began nibling whilst still trying to look cool at the same time. He was succeeding at that, just like he always did.
"Dartanian, nice of you to join us!" She said clapping again. "I'm really unsure of how many new hires we have. I know two... at least." Her memory was not good these days...

Originally Posted by fanficfanatict View Post
"Of course," Sophie replied genuinely, "I would not miss this for anything. I love meeting new employees." That and she was glad to be up and about out from beneath that mountain of paperwork that was awaiting her at her desk. Besides, it was always nice to see new people out and about in the office. New employees also meant new ideas and new ideas meant progress. Sophie, and her OCD, were a stickler for progress. Anything that would help the department move up and forward was always a positive in Sophie's eyes.

"Me too!" She said excitedly.

"How about we start a round of two truths one lie? That's when we all say two truths and one lie and then we all try to figure out which is the lie." That'll be fun!

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