Welcome to the Shrunken Head Bowling Alley! Welcome to the Shrunken Head Bowling Alley!  Thank you to Pixie for the graphics. Situated on the North End of the Street you can find a building which doesn't really look that new but is home to a brand new shop: a bowling alley. Naturally, you are curious what this new shop has to offer so you enter, maybe full of expectations which are about to become true or well, not and you're faced with something you had not anticipated at all. Either way, be sure to stick around long enough to see what the bowling alley is all about.
The first thing you might notice is the flashing sign right above the Shrunken Head Bowling Counter which suggests that this is where you should go first. From there you can already see the bowling lanes, divided up into three sectors: One to Four, Five to Eight and Nine to Twelve. Even from here you can hear distinct shouts from one of the bowling balls, telling whoever just threw it what a terrible player they are and that they are probably better off going home and knitting a pair of nice woolen socks.
Should you not be that much into bowling, you should ask yourself what you're doing in here and make sure to check out the Gaming Corner slightly to the left of the bowling lanes. A small variety of games have been set up, providing you and your friends with an alternative to bowling. Because remember, the Backroom is NOT the place to go if you're feeling bored. Unless you have been specifically invited by the shopkeeper to do so. Then you may.
Only last thing: If you're feeling hungry or thirsty, the shop also has a Snack Bar which provides the hungry bowlers with refreshments and small snacks. The complete list of available items can be found on the counter by the snack bar. Make sure to stay as long as you like, try out everything the shop has to offer and tell your friends.
Enjoy your stay and come back soon! OOC: Make sure you are familiar with the Diagon Alley Rules and do NOT under any circumstances RP for the shopkeeper (Felixir).
If you have any questions, feel free to PM me or ask them here. |