The Gaming Corner The Gaming Corner  Thank you to Pixie for the graphics. Located a little to the left of the Bowling Lanes is a gaming corner, combining both magical and Muggle games to create a fun alternative to bowling. All games only work in exchange for money which you have to put directly into the respective slot on the object you're playing the game on. The standard price for all games are 4 Sickles.
Among smaller games like Darts you can find a number of Pool Tables as well as several sets of Table Football. Similar to this is the enchanted Table Quidditch where you and your friends have to play all positions on your team, trying to keep control of the enchanted balls zooming around the miniature Quidditch pitch.
Reminder: Do NOT wear your bowling shoes here. OOC: This is a self-sustaining area meaning you don't need anybody's permission to come here and play. However, that doesn't mean the shopkeeper isn't watching so do NOT break any site rules. Also, as always, do NOT RP for the shopkeeper (Felixir) |