SPOILER!!: Let the games begin
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Laura looked at the guy and smiled. "Hi Maxwell, I'm Laura." Laura shook the guys hand and then was about to reply when suddenly Minerva spoke, she had forgotten Minerva was meeting someone here, hopefully Minerva would forgive him.
Laura smiled at Minerva. "I would love to do both, do you want to take it in turns to dress the ducks? or would you rather just feed the ducks that way you won't get in as much trouble if a Professor comes?" Seriously Laura wouldn't mind doing everything as long as it got done.
She was about to speak again when someone screamed her name. "ZHENYA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Laura almost ran upto her friends and hug her but she didn't want to lose the clothes. "Come here Zhenya you can watch this." Laura smiled at Minerva. "Zhenya won't tell on me she never does." Laura giggled.
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Maxwell sighed. "I'm not going to run, but i'm not breaking any rules so i should be fine...but i don't want you in detention either." He said eyeing her like she should be careful.
"Nice to meet you Laura, i've heard quite a bit about you." He said smiling, he heard about the kitchen walls. Maxwell loved a good prank and respected anyone who could pull one off.
Minerva felt her heart racing it was just like the wall could she actually go through with this. She felt that sickness coming back thinking about any trouble they might get into, but this was her idea and she wanted to have the fun. Biting her lip she looked at Maxwell with apologizing eyes. She hoped he wouldn't think she was totally nuts or something. Kissing his cheek she smiled
"I'll be as careful as I can sweetie" She then put her hand on his shoulder for balance as she took her shoes off, she needed to be able to be quick and her slippery nice sandals were not going to do it.
Looking at Laura she grabbed the bread out of her hands.
"We can trade off it you want. Hey Zhenya, haven't seen in you much." She smiled quickly at Laura's friend and then turned back to the pond.
"Let's do this." She walked to the edge and pulled out the bread..
"Come on duckies, you want the bread don't you." She bent down to get as close as she could. The ducks started coming in from the pond the minute they saw the bread. She glanced at Maxwell hoping he wouldn't be upset with her and then gave a go ahead look to Laura.