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Minerva laughed a bit, "Well it's a start to keep you going to your classes." she kissed his nose.
Minerva smiled at Laura as she walked closer to her. Before she could answer Maxwell did that for her. "Laura this is my boyfriend that I told you I was meeting here. Don't worry he will not be a problem." She noticed Laura's concerned look, it was actually nice to see Laura had a concerned side because she thought she might be the only one in this duo that thought about it, but she always had fun with Laura and this year seemed to be finding more and more fun with her second year friend. She turned to Maxwell, "Do you remember me telling you about my little kitchen wall thing.. Well Laura and I have come up with something more fun then that. We want to dress the ducks, so to do that we have to catch them." Looking back at Laura she shrugged, "What do you want to do, I can do either."
Maxwell sighed. "I'm not going to run, but i'm not breaking any rules so i should be fine...but i don't want you in detention either." He said eyeing her like she should be careful.
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Laura looked at the guy and smiled. "Hi Maxwell, I'm Laura." Laura shook the guys hand and then was about to reply when suddenly Minerva spoke, she had forgotten Minerva was meeting someone here, hopefully Minerva would forgive him.
Laura smiled at Minerva. "I would love to do both, do you want to take it in turns to dress the ducks? or would you rather just feed the ducks that way you won't get in as much trouble if a Professor comes?" Seriously Laura wouldn't mind doing everything as long as it got done.
She was about to speak again when someone screamed her name. "ZHENYA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Laura almost ran upto her friends and hug her but she didn't want to lose the clothes. "Come here Zhenya you can watch this." Laura smiled at Minerva. "Zhenya won't tell on me she never does." Laura giggled.
"Nice to meet you Laura, i've heard quite a bit about you." He said smiling, he heard about the kitchen walls. Maxwell loved a good prank and respected anyone who could pull one off.