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Maxwell laughed a little. "Well, I really only need to learn what i mean to teach. I won't be teaching anything else." He said shrugging. "Besides how am i expected to focus on classes when you're right there? It's very difficult and doesn't help that i don't care about the classes as it is." He listened to what she said about the year. "I have to agree, this is turning out to be a really great term."
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Laura walked to the duck ponds with the clothes in hand, she had no idea if a Professor was about, she looked around and when she was sure that there was no Professor she ran towards the edge of the water and looked around now all she had to do was figure out which duck to give a make over to first, hopefully no one would disturb her before her plan was carried out.
Minerva blushed
"Would you stop, you know how to embarrass me without even trying."she giggled kissing him on the cheek.
"As for classes that is no excuse mister. You still need to be there and keep me company at least, but more because you need to learn everything you can while your hear. Who knows it might help you later on." She felt she was learning something knew continuously. Everything she learned was helpful since she knew nothing before coming to the school. She smiled as he agreed with her about the term.
Minerva had turned her head just to see Laura coming down with the clothes. She couldn't believe that she had clothes, she was really going to go through with this. She looked at Maxwell and leaned in giving him a kiss.
"Promise me something, if you see a professor coming get away. I don't need us both in trouble." Without explaining she got up and went over to Laura.
"Did you bring something to feed them, so they come close enough? Maybe if one of us feeds them the other could catch them." She felt her heart begin to race, this time it was her idea, well partly, but she still felt that fight of running away, she could not have detention, it would just well she couldn't think of the right words to explain it.