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Maxwell gave her a toothy smile as she spoke. "I try to help everyone i can, but you're the top priority." He said hugging her back. "You're just as fun, Minnie." He laid his head on her shoulder. "I'm so happy to be here with you."
Minerva couldn't help but smile. She liked Maxwell's smile it seemed as if it could light up a room. She blushed a bit again when he said she was top priority. Maybe he wasn't thinking of Taylor anymore. Her doubts started to fade again.
"Maxwell you do know your classes should be top priority." She half teased him. She turned and kissed his head then rested hers onto his. Putting her arm around him again she reached up and played with his hair a bit.
"Well I try to be fun, but I don't know if I succeed." she joked.
"Well I'm glad your happy to be here, because so am I. I couldn't think of anywhere I should be right now that would be more fun."