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Maxwell laughed a little. "Yeah, she's a Snake. I'm not sure why it freaked her out, probably because i didn't explain anything and she just found it odd." He smiled at her "Ariana's a little rough around the edges but once you get to know her she's pretty great."
Minerva smiled, still in shock a bit that she was freaked out.
"Well I hope I get to know her better. Since she is your best friend, I think I need to try to welcome her in my life as well. I don't want her feeling like I'm a threat or that I would ever think she is a threat, because I don't. I know some people get that way when they are dating, but I don't want you to change anything with me." she kissed his cheek and smiled. She wanted him to be happy and she wanted to be a part of everything in his life so she would get Ariana to like her some how if that would make him happy.