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Minerva looked at him a little confused. "I know I have not gotten to know her very well and I hope I will better since she is your best friend, but that surprises me that she would be terrified of anything. She doesn't seem like a person that would be afraid of much. Plus she is a slytherine, right? Her common room is in the dungeons and she is afraid of your place?" That confused Minerva a bit. She remembered meeting her at Damon's birthday party and she didn't seem very happy to meet Minerva. She didn't give her much of a chance, so she assumed that she would probably not approve of them dating, but that didn't matter.
Maxwell laughed a little. "Yeah, she's a Snake. I'm not sure why it freaked her out, probably because i didn't explain anything and she just found it odd." He smiled at her "Ariana's a little rough around the edges but once you get to know her she's pretty great."