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Maxwell nodded. "Of course, it's one of our goals remember?" He said kissing her back. "I've a few books from Diagon Alley, You can barrow them sometime, i have most of them memorized. He'd been reading them since the end of first year. Reading was never something he was into before this, but now he constantly had a book, whether it was a transfiguration book or a very large novel.
Minerva smiled glad that he still wanted her help.
"Yes it is still one of our goals. We are partners in crime, just a little more then that now." She grinned at him feeling a bit excited to help him with this.
"I would like to borrow them, when you have a chance to get them to me." She really did want to start reading more about it. Minerva started trying to figure out when she would fit it into her schedule with classes and hopefully quidditch.