Text Cut: Blueeeee! :3
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Blue blinked and thought. Then blinked again before looking out at the glassy water only broken by the ducks. "Um..." C'mon Blue! Think! Think! She didn't really have answer to her sisters question...Then it came to her and she BEEAAMMMEEEDDD. "Because, you see, my dear sister, WMD or Weapon of Mass Destruction, will one day rule Hogwarts, sister dear, with his massive destructive-ness." BEAM. YUP! Allll true.
"By the time I'm in seventh year, he will be the headmaster and the supreme ruler of EVERYTHING!!!!!!!!" O_______________O No lies. Whats so ever. Because Blue was a little demon angel that never ever lied. NOPE!
O_O It meant a lot? Blue had only said she knew Eve wasn't lying. And now Eve was blushing and everything. Maybe she was sick and had a fever. Blue gave her sister's cheek a little prod. "EEEVEE? Is there something wrong with yo' cheeks?" Blue asked, frowning.
Eve could not be sick!
'Cause that would make Blue really blue. And Blue did not like being blue.
"Weeell, ya never know!" Because Eve was awesome...maybe she could teach a class on how to be all Eve is. A History and Present of Evelyn Wellington! Yaaah! Blue would SOO go to that class and she'd be all 'Hey! Yeah, I'm the professor's sister! You jelly?' to the students. That would be fuunnnny.
"Fank you." But she frowned at Eve. HOW COULD SHE NOT SEE IT?!?! 'Twas soo obvious! "Ooooh. That one looks like a tap dancing t-rex."
Even though it looked more like a ice-cream.
Or even a lumpy ice-cream.
Or just a plain old cloud.
Evelyn refrained from rolling her eyes when she heard Blue's explanation about why she named her toad WMD. Rule Hogwarts? Really? She bit her lip from smiling. This girl was way too funny for words..even if she didn't mean to be funny. Evelyn, trying to keep a serious expression, said,
"Well, I honestly don't see it but if you think so..well, okay." HUH!? "Blue, relax." Evelyn thought the kid was way too hyper sometimes..well, ALL the time but heh. She was a kid. Kids were always hyper, right? Evelyn smiled at Blue again.
"I agree with you. He'll definitely rule the world." She might as well make the girl happy by agreeing with her.
And..Blue poked her cheek. Something wrong with her? She'd been a little touched by what her sister had said..but she wasn't going to say that aloud though. Blue would probably think she was stupid or something..
"No, not really. I'm fine. I was a little flustered, that's all."
Tap dancing dinosaur!? Evelyn giggled and nudged Blue in the arm.
"How can I not see it?" Well..probably because Eve didn't exactly have an over-active imagination. But, whatever. This was fun.