Made of Awesome | Ern-la the Best-wa | TZ's Apogee Bellatrix's face remained impassive but the wand tapping her thigh sped up with bottled impatience. "Let us not play games, Severus. We've been friends for too long to lie to each other on issues such as these. You may not enjoy the pain, but you enjoy the game. You know the pain is an important part of it. And as for my rejection..." Bellatrix moved from her spot above him to his side in one quick, graceful movement. She crouched down in front of him, her eyes dark and glittering like obsedian. "How clear do I have to make it, Severus? You may seek all your solace in my arms." She pushed his torn robes off his shoulder and whispered her lips down his neck and across that tender stretch of skin before she raked the same spot with her fingernails, drawing blood.
__________________ ★ Dawn ★ 
Awakening ★ Spiritual ★ Hopeful ★ Honest |