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Maxwell smiled. "Thank you." He said and laughed about the ducks. "I think you might, and a friend who likes trouble? Sounds like my kind of friend." He said happily. Reaching for her hand and rubbing it with her thumb.
Minerva laughed
"Well Laura drove me crazy last term. She had gotten so many points taken, but I then became good friends with her, I think she has helped me learn how to relax a bit when it comes to the points. She has been testing me this term to see what I will and will not do." Minerva looked around to see if anyone was around to listen
"She even had me charm the kitchen walls to all puff colors, she put up a banner that said puff rule or something like that." Minerva laughed, "I thought I was going to have a heart attack while doing it. I have never moved out of a room so quickly." She laughed about it and kissed the top of Maxwell's head.