great idea...the broom There's some good in this world and it's worth fighting for| LOTR|Whovian|Sherlock Fan SPOILER!!: Minnie Quote:
Originally Posted by Bazinga "Yes, I like that part. It could be fun to act out and their is not much of a speaking part. I think we will have to Narrate what's going on though." she looked down at the book again and skimmed over the part they wanted to do. "I think Vicker's robes will do fine as the armor, but he needs a steed." she looked around the library trying to think of something that they could use. "What if we used the broom as the steed? That might be funny to see Vickers acting like he is falling off the broom/horse." Minerva walked over and got the broom from the corner. She looked at it and wondered if it would be as funny as it would be in the muggle world since they fly on brooms here. She shrugged it off and took it back to the group showing them the broom "What do you guys think?"
Alyssa laughed. " That's a great idea Minnie using the broom as a prop. Yes I think Vickers should use the broom and ride on it like it was his horse."
" Wanna get started now?"Alyssa asked everyone.