Text Cut: My favorite non-Seeker Seeker
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Now she was only smiling, not as wide as before, but it was a smile nonetheless. Why wasn't it that big? Because she was certain she'd confused him a little bit. It was best if they let go everything involving being sorry or not. Taking stuff back or not doing so. Kate could blame that on him, though, but she wouldn't.
Her smile did grow when her 'thanks' were accepted.
"Definitely," she said, and it was seriously genuine, the smile on her face. Then again, who else should accompany her to Hogsmeade? Certainly not West. Kurumi...even if she seemed nice, the girl was probably going to be freaking out if there was some running around on behalf on some kids. Then there was Eve, who she still needed to talk to a bit more. So, she'll be going with Keefer...if, as he said, Quidditch didn't get in the way.
Not that Quidditch ever got in the way of anything. Never.
Then when he answered what his favorite team was...or the team he supported, actually, it wasn't a surprise that it had to be one of the most successful teams in history. Scotland. That's where he got the accent from, of course. Kate just listened, she was very fond of hearing his voice, by the way, perhaps that's why she'd rather have him say whatever was on his mind, because he got to speak a lot more. And as far as her favorite team...., "The Heidelberg Harriers," she nodded, a smile on her face, "Same as my father," and that's as far as Quidditch goes in her family since no one else was a real fan of the sport. They could all go to a game, but whatever defined a fan, didn't define the whole family, only Kate and her father followed the on-goings of the team. And yes, she knew who Vindictus was. "We didn't go to games as often as we'd liked, though," even if it could be a sad thought, her voice held no hint of sadness at all.
The unthinkable happened when his hand landed on hers by accident. Why was he apologizing? And what was going on in his mind? Because his reaction was a very amusing one. At least he wasn't blushing. That would've been the cherry on top when it came to cuteness. "It's...nothing to apologize for, really," she said, in a sweet tone that matched her smile. Truth be told, she'd rather he wouldn't have lifted his hand.
Let's go back to Quidditch, it was safer at this point. "Have you thought about playing Quidditch professionally?" If he liked the Magpies, and got chosen by that team...he'd have no issues with the uniform and his hair color. A plus.
A Harriers fan, eh? This confused him, because he was pretty sure they were from Germany. Or Austria. But
she was from Sweden... unless he was remembering this incorrectly. "
A father-daughter sort of thing? That's cool." He wished his own father was as fond of the sport as he was. "
Out of curiosity.. why the Harriers?" He left the game attendance bit alone in case she was sensitive to that for some reason.
Nothing to apologize for? Does that mean she WANTS me to do that? The possibility exhilarated him and terrified him at the same time. His gaze kept darting back to his own hand, but only for fleeting moments. She had sounded so nice about it, he couldn't help but wonder...
He was distracted by her next question. "
ME?" he laughed. "
Clearly you've never seen me play. But you will in tryouts!" He smiled at this thought. "
Okay, so I'm actually not half bad, but I still don't know. There's just.. not much chance, I think." Sport was a tricky business. "
Besides, I've always thought I would just work with my parents. We have a ranch with around 400 Abraxans that we breed. I've kind of had dreams to branch out a bit, maybe thestrals or something." Of course, that would be difficult for his parents, since they wouldn't be able to see them, whereas he could. "
But, I dunno. Lately that just hasn't seemed..." He trailed off, throwing his hands up with a shrug, sighing, and collapsing onto his back in the soft grass.