Thread: The Duck Pond
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Old 05-14-2012, 05:29 PM   #356 (permalink)

Scheming Marauder
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Originally Posted by Magical Soul View Post

Louisa waited for him for ten..eleven...twelve.. THIRTEEN seconds it took the guy to surrender agree. She nodded vigorously, tucked her wand in and walked over to him. "Why of course I would." She might as well do a courtesy bow but her uniform skirt wouldn't allow such a classy gesture. "Be careful not to step on my devil cat, though," shooting him a glare. She wasn't going to get her second kitty to die on someone's hand... or foot.

The girl held her palm up for him to hand her some of the food he was carrying in his hand all this time, "We need to be careful not to be seen by Daichi, the Duckinator," she mused, "He's a Slytherin boy who's just so in love in ducks it sometimes creeps me out." Louisa looked around in case the boy was nearby and she'd point him out to Edric for further reference, "He even made us wear duck feet slippers in one of the classes." Her face expression said aaaaalll about her disgust.

His turn to socialize, "Why did you move from your old school to Hogwarts?"
Edric gave Louisa half of the half-bread he was still carrying. So now each was carrying just tiny pieces of bread; it might last them to feed three ducks each.

The Gryffindor had almost forgotten about the cat snuggled up on his foot until Louisa pointed it out.
Oh. Right.
But the cat was curled up on his foot, how was he supposed to walk now!? Scared that the cat might wake up and dig its claws deep into his unprotected foot if he woke it up, Edric lifted the foot - cat still curled up on top of it - veeeeeeeery carefully. So, carrying the cat on his foot, the boy walked back over toward the pond and threw a tiny piece of bread. The ducks immediately caught it.

Edric turned to Louisa with a raised eyebrow as she went on about a 'Duckinator'. Wut?
"That sounds… well, just like the kind of person I'd like to avoid." Seriously. Duck feet slippers? No thank you.

And then they were moving on to personal questions. Edric glanced down at the baby shoe in his left hand and sighed. Fiiiiiiiiiiine. He'd have to be all social and friendly if he wanted to walk back to the castle in both shoes.

"Um…" Honestly? Edric didn't feel like explaining the whole story about how he'd been expelled. Sooooooo… he lied. "We moved. And… Hogwarts was closer. So here I am." Mmhmm. Thurr ya go.

— the sun & the moon
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