SPOILER!!: Cool dude? XD
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Carson looked at Alec then back at the table, then Ad and back in the same circle. He just NEEDED something sweet. Or savoury. That'd have to do. At least if he ate something that wasn't full of sugary he'd be putting something that wasn't potentially... O who was he kidding? Since when did he care what he put in his body? It was HIS body after all. And he needed to eat something that was going to keep him going. But any food would do that. Or so he'd been told.
But he didn't really care much for most food. Okay, maybe not most food. As long as it stopped him feeling hungry he'd eat it. Unless it was something that tasted absolutely revolting. But if someone was hungry, everything would taste good, right? Purely because they were hungry. Why did everything in his mind revolve around FOOD?! Anyone would think nothing else mattered in the world of Carson McIntyre, Cookie Monster of Slytherin. Yeah, he'd named himself! He'd given himself a ruling name. And he'd guard the cookies until the end of time! O YEAH!
He shrugged at Alec. Not even he thought it was possible to run out of sweets. But apparently it was. "I think I ought to start cutting down..." he responded. Cut down? HA! That was the biggest laugh of all laughs. He could plan and plan and plan but he'd eat and eat and eat until his body couldn't take anymore. That was usually when he ended up falling asleep wherever his head fell. And that wasn't always in a bed. But so far he hadn't fallen asleep anywhere but the dorms.
Was Alec trying to act cool? Well, it wasn't really an act. The second year was cool. At least Carson thought he was. If anyone disagreed, they'd be completely INSANE to. Alec was someone he could be himself around which was a first considering a lot of people just thought he was some strange boy and steered clear of him. But instead or steering clear, Alec joined in. And then there was Ad and her... her... HER TEASING! She was mean like that.
Carson glared at Ad playfully. Why was he glaring? He honestly had NO idea whatsoever! Well he didn't. But Ad was likely to want to know. He glanced at Alec with a mischievous smile then back at Ad. "What the cool dude says" said Carson with the most serious face he'd ever given. Carson? Being serious? THE WORLD WAS GOING COMPLETELY INSANE! It must have been for Carson to actually be SERIOUS!
Ad raised an eyebrow, brushing her hair from her eyes.
"Cool dude?" she asked.
'No-one uses proper grammar anymore!' she thought to herself, mentally facepalming.
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This was by far the weirdest meeting he had ever had in the middle of the Great Hall. And this even beat his meeting with Messer! How weird was that? Him and Messer, Hufflepuff's Dynamic Duo, were usually the ones with the weirdest meetings. And now... this had to beat it.
One of the main reasons was... because there was no ice cream!
How was this even possible?! He had to have ice cream at the table. It was a must! And if someone ate it... that would be even weirder. Because, as far as he knew, no one would eat that much ice cream! Unless those people happen to be him, Anya, Carson or Beezus. Or even Messer! ... Was Messer getting revenge for the skirt incident?
But before Alec could think much more about Messer and his revengeful ways, someone said something to him. His ears picked up slightly as his grey-blue eyes landed on Carson. So the boy... didn't have any more sweets left? "I didn't know that was even possible!" Because Carson usually had sweets with him. Or Alec did but... the young Hufflepuff had come to the Hufflepuff table to find some food!
And now Ad was talking! Alec smiled at her. "Hey guys!" he said, "So... if we aren't having a food party, what are you guys doing here?" You know... because it was slightly odd to have people meet randomly like this. Food parties were a norm in the Great Hall! And in the Hufflepuff Common Room!
... Was that chocolate?! Alec loved ice cream but... Ad was now waving chocolate around! And he was really hungry and really nervous! SO if there wasn't ice cream... chocolate should do the trick, shouldn't it? But Ad, being Ad, was... teasing them? Now he had to try and be cool... "Maybe!" he said, still eyeing the chocolate.
Carson seemed... hyper! Or just excited? One of the two. There was no way he could tell, really. His reflexes made Alec wonder why he wasn't on the Quidditch Team. If he could make a grab at a Snitch like he made a grab at that bar of chocolate... Alec would have competition down on the Pitch. But he had to agree with the boy! "Exactly!" he said, nodding along in all seriousness, "So we need sugar!" Hint hint, Ad, hint hint!
Ad brandished the over half of the chocolate bar around, waiting for Alec to take it.
"Well, there's sugar right in front of your face and you aren't using the opportunity to take it...I guess more for me, then..." she teased, starting to unwrap the chocolate.
SPOILER!!: Ad should give Carson a nickname
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Carson smiled excitedly watching as Ad broke the bar of chocolate in half. He was so excited her could almost... Scratch that. He WOULD jump up and down. And so he did. He must have looked like an absolute lunatic jumping up and down over a bar of chocolate but it was chocolate. Who wouldn't be excited? "THANK YOUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!" he responded taking the half a bar of chocolate from Ad's hand and tossing a square in his mouth smiling at the smooth, melting taste. "Chocate obthethed famwy?" he asked, his words slurred slightly due to the chocolate still melting in his mouth.
Ad's eyes widened slightly and she scooted
away from the two boys slightly.
She sighed and nodded.
"Mhm. Everyone seems to have a chocolate stash hidden somewhere for themselves"