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Now back by the cauldron and the quivering egg, which seemed to be quaking as if under great pressure. William started laying out a few other eggs from his box, lining them all up from biggest to smallest behind HIS egg. He laid out a big, but not BIGBIG, ostrich egg, then a regular chicken egg, then a tiny, foil-wrapped chocolate candy egg.
Taking a step back, the professor beamed around at the class and clasped his hands loosely behind his back. "Welcome to Care of Magical Creatures. Heh. I have to say, from the drawings I've seen, you ALL have a bright future as magizoologists one day." He smiled and took a step to the side so that everyone could clearly see the eggs.
"First things first: What in Merlin's beard did I just have you draw? Take a guess, based on the size comparisons of MY egg to these other eggs. Try to be as specific as possible with your educated guess." OOC: don't tell me WHY you think the egg is whatever it is, just tell me WHAT you think it is. ;-) Nerida looked at what Professor Williamson was doing, was he putting more eggs out there? She looked closely at the eggs after the professor moved clearly one was an ostrich egg and a normal egg and then a gross chocolate gross egg. She thought about his question for a couple seconds her eyes flickering at the egg and then the other eggs before she finally said
Is it a dragon egg? It was the most logical explination.