Thread: Harry Potter: Flora Riddle 1 - Sa13+
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Old 05-12-2012, 05:09 AM   #27 (permalink)
Ivana R
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Default 8. The Ambush
Portuguese Hippogriff Harrys Schokofrösche

Harry Potter, head of the Aurors session in the Ministry of Magic, was having a hard day at work. dementors, who had been banished from the wizarding world and sent to an uninhabited area in the North Pole had escaped from their prison and were bringing terror to wizarding as well as to Muggle communities all over Europe. He had no idea of who could’ve done this, and believed that the dementors themselves had found a way to escape. He was busy at the phone receiving calls from all over UK as well as exchanging information with other countries, when his mother-in-law’s owl came bringing a strange package in its beak. He thought it was something his children had sent to amuse him at work.

He opened the package and a snake leaped on his desk.

“Man, watch out.” It said.

“What does that mean?” He replied, using Parseltongue. The snake, unable to give the rest of the message, since it had forgotten it, got out of its collar and showed it to Harry:

“Look at this” It said.

Harry realized it was a transfigured object and recognized the strange glow coming from the collar. He quickly undid the spell and was able to read on the galleon the words "At the house of Neville's grandmother." Then he realized the dementors, and the DAs’ call, were linked - since DA members did not communicate in this way the last twenty years. With that, he got very upset and told a co-worker to stay in his place, explaining that he would personally check a dementors invasion near his house.

As Harry knew, his old friend and brother-in-law Ron had learned Parseltongue by imitating him, he believed that the message through the snake had been his friend’s work, who for some reason was in Neville's grandmother's house. So, he went to there straight away.

Hannah met Harry at the gate with a sweet and fraternal smile. Through the window, he saw his wife talking to a stranger with their friends around her. The stranger reminded him of Tom Riddle in his youth, as she had the same feature as a figure that years ago had emerged from a diary. He wielded the old phoenix wand tightly, ready to use it. Hannah, though, quickly held his hand and said:

“Not everything is as it seems, Harry. Calm down, the danger isn’t here.”

He went in and was introduced to Flora. She explained to him, and asked him to peer it deeply in her eyes so that he could see her memories and tell she was telling the truth, a little uncertain whether it would be worth something, because she was not sure whether he would be or not a Legilimens as she was. Harry, who knew some witches and wizards were able to forge convenient memories, replied that it was not necessary, pretending to believe her - as he preferred to check his friends behaviour and whether everything was really fine, see if anyone had been bewitched - before plunging into the memories of a stranger who claimed to be Voldemort's daughter!

Harry filled the others in about the country situation, and confirmed what they already knew: Lucius Malfoy was spreading chaos in his quest for Flora.

She was terrified by knowing that:

“If the Death Eaters are abusing innocent people just to find me, let’s go to them. Let them find me and I’ll make them give up. We must do something before uncle Lucius realizes after all this power demonstration that he doesn’t need me.”

“Flora is right. But we can’t let her surrender like that. She hasn’t got any combat training technique.” Neville pondered, as the others nodded, Harry just watched, still suspicious, examining Flora from head to toe.

“But you can use me as bait,” Flora said, desperate “at least to concentrate the Death Eaters and the dementors in a single location so that you can fight them. Let’s go to the Malfoy Manor, I know the place and Lucius must be waiting there for me.”

“Doesn’t it scare you?” Hannah asked, startled.

Flora was surprised by the question, as she neither thought it would be dangerous, just wanted to solve the situation. Then she paused for a moment, by thinking she could not see her children again and it saddened her. But knowing that they had a better chance of continuing to live quietly if she did that, it made her want to proceed:

“Of course it does. But I owe it to everyone. It was me that caused this mess. I only beg you, Hannah, to stay out of all this, because I can’t bear the idea of exposing your baby to any danger.

“I will.” Hannah smiled, delighted with Flora's concern. “But firstly let me teach you a little more about offense and defence, while the others go and try to get additional help.”

Hannah said this looking at the others, waiting for support. Then everyone looked at Harry, as if expecting that he would coordinate. While this seemed an obvious action, since he was head of the Aurors and was the head of Dumbledore's Army, Harry showed not want to take a decision alone. They were no longer children, anyone here could organize a possible ambush. With the sudden attention that everyone gave him and the enormous silence, he choked on the tea that was drinking and said:

"I think Flora's idea can make it work ... Hannah is right: it would be good to have more help and I'm not in favor of putting a defenseless woman in a situation so delicate, though I think very few hours of instruction will not be enough, it's very ..." He made a brief pause, took off his glasses and rubbed his closed eyes with his fingers. "Hermione, could you organize the staff to get more help? I'll stay with Ginny, Neville and Hannah to teach Flora, at least how to block and repel spells.

Quickly, the group split out. So that others left in search of help, Harry, Ginny, Neville and Hannah organized a training room for Flora, exactly as agreed.. Neville's grandmother sat in a rocking chair and smiling all the time, helped them to give Flora some instructions, which were heard and followed in all respect for her ancient knowledge. The others went to seek for help. After hours of training, they made a break and went to the kitchen, as they had forgotten to have lunch. Ginny seemed slight annoyed with the bond that her husband had established with Flora, once their looks showed complicity. The intermission was the chance for Flora to ask Harry about her father. Harry told her a little about Tom Riddle, looking into her eyes.

She saw while he was reciting these facts - by using her legilimency - flashes of a boy in a rather unfriendly room; he showed stolen objects about and said that he could speak to snakes. He also said he could cause pain to others. Another picture followed this one. It showed a young man that while he pointed his wand to Harry, threatened him. A seemingly dead girl could be seen in the background. And finally a third scene followed. Here there was this final confrontation between Harry and Voldemort, when the last one casted a death curse on Harry. She closed her eyes and let the tears shed.
Harry misinterpreted her tears:

“How can you cry for the death of a man that you didn’t even know? Moreover after having seen for yourself how bad he was?”

“You can’t understand that... I think that perhaps if he’d had a family, the love of his mother, or known a true friendship ... Perhaps he would’ve been different ...”

“I can’t believe what you’re saying ... He’s been always bad. Didn’t, you see his meeting with Dumbledore in the orphanage? I know you did.” Harry said implying he knew what Flora had seen when had used Legilimency against him without his permission. She nodded, embarrassed:

“See ... I’ve also had evil drives, and a desire to oppress people with my power as well... But both my personal and professional ethics have stopped me. I can put myself in other people’s place and feel what they do. My parents have taught me that. I’ve been raised surrounded by plenty of love. I owe much to Mr. Lestrange to have sent me away.”

She knew though, that nobody would understand her. As she had spent years wondering who would be her true parents, this remark seemed a contradiction. , She had imagined they were poor people, maybe illegal immigrants or war refugees; or else they were kind people, but financially unable to look after her. Perhaps circus performers, since she suspected that she had inherited her gift from such parents. The inheritance theory made sense, since she herself had passed on some magic to her children. Furthermore, her ability seemed a circus trick to the mind of a child. Nevertheless, she had also considered the possibility of her gift being due to some genetic mutation, once her parents-in-law had nothing of magic and her husband, Felipe, was special although his parents did not share the gift of magic with him.

Anyway, all she knew was that she had been taken from England when she was less than a month old. Then she had never thought of herself as a witch, except when she was kidding. It was like that until that day she met Mr. Lucius Malfoy. Then she understood she was a real witch. Her parents had been a wizard and a witch. However, both of them had been mean; it could not be denied. Therefore, in her mind, she thanked once again Mr Lestrange to have had her sent to a Brazilian family. Maybe if like her father, she had grown up in an orphanage where her ‘witchness’ was misunderstood, she would have become as mean as him ... Why did not anybody understand her? Well, if nobody understood her, they did not hate her either. Harry had told her that Lord Voldemort had killed his parents and had tried to kill Harry more than once. Bellatrix Lestrange had killed her godfather, and tortured Neville's parents into madness. Both Voldemort and Bellatrix had killed and sent to death many innocent people. Hannah's mother had been one of them. Although Flora was not proud of her parents, she felt some affection for them. She was sorry because her mother Bellatrix and her father Tom - who finally had a face and a name - had not had the same opportunity as her to learn the right values. And deep down, she was grateful because they had given her the gift of her being a witch ̶ she did not know whether gift was the right word for it, but it had been the only one that had occurred to her. And she finally had found her place, and no longer needed to pretend normality, or to fit in. That was it.
The It was almost dusk when the others returned home with a large group of Aurors and friends warning them that all was set. Harry discussed the last details with Flora:

“For you to help us, you must put on a convincing act. So, it is very important that you are as theatrical as possible. Your father used to speak in a slow and pitched voice, and had exaggerated but elegant gestures because he needed to look like a lord. You must try to act like him. He also had an upright and proud gait, and never looked at the floor. Last of all, he called his followers by touching his wand in the mark they had magically tattooed on their forearm.”

“Theatre is one of my specialties. My father had a pet snake, didn’t he? Aunt Narcissa told me. Where is the snake I sent you with the message? I'll take it with me. It’ll help me to play the character.”

“Yes, but Nagini was a part of him rather than a pet... Er... Perhaps one day I’ll explain you the whole story. Are you sure you want to go on with it?”

“Yes, indeed.”

Then she threw an arrogant look, and burst out in a harsh laughter that reminded the others of Bellatrix. Harry took a step back. For a moment he suspected he had given too much power to the wrong person; someone quite unknown to him.

“Haven’t I said I was good at drama? I’ve almost scared myself.” She smiled.

After that, she changed the tone of her voice back to normal and completed:

“There is nothing to fear. Our plan is going to work. All I want is to go back in peace to my family.”

Flora together with the others reviewed their plan. They would go to the Malfoy Manor on broomsticks, and split up in two groups over there. While one of them herded the dementors back to the North Pole, the other one would lay siege to the house and attacked it. With that the Death Eaters would surrender. After that, Harry and Flora would meet Lucius. Harry would tell the DA’s members through the galleon the right time for them to start their action. They would leave before Flora to make way for her. Hannah said:

“Good luck, Flora. You're so brave. You don’t even look like a Slytherin. If you had attended Hogwarts, you would certainly have belonged to Gryffindor."

Flora did not understand that, but she left smiling. It was impossible not to love Hannah.

Last edited by Ivana R; 06-29-2012 at 03:37 PM. Reason: a little this, a little that...
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