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Harry174 Laura looked at Ella and sighed, she didn't really fancy eating anything at the minute. "No thanks Ella." Laura really wanted to speak to Aaron about why he had decided to leave Hogwarts without first telling her why or worst of all saying goodbye.
Laura realised that Ella and Carigan wouldn't leave without her cheering up, maybe she still had some great friends even if Aaron had let her down. "Have you felt so annoyed with someone because the've left without saying goodbye?"
"Yeah... I hate when that happens. But sometimes people have a good reason for not saying goodbye." Carigan said seriously,
"Like one time my parents left the house without saying anything to me or Reagan, just got up and left. When we woke up they were gone and we were freaking out but when they got back they had all of the supplies we needed to go to India, and they had booked our hotel." Carigan smiled, maybe this could help Laura. She didn't know exactly what was going on... but she was trying!