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Boy Wonder Kennedy didn't want to play... But now Jonathan was confused. He doesn't know my name? Is this some sort of TRAP??? There was an extreme look of curiosity on Jonathan's face as he took several moments to think things over.
How do I want to play this??? There is so much I can do...
'Jonathan... Simsanjeebomblayho. I am a transfer student...' 'My name is Jonathan. Just Jonathan. My parents didn't love me enough to give me a last name.' 'No, my name is Jon.A.Than. It's a rap name.' 'I AM JONATHAN ESCALANTE, YOUR LONG LOST BROTHER!!!'
"Kirk," Jonathan finally said. "Jonathan Kirk. WELL as the sign says: KING Jonathan Kirk." I'm in character... "OH! The second..."
"And you're Kennedy." And that was Kennedy. Aurora's ex. Jonathan didn't want to start anything except prove that he was better at absolutely everything than Kennedy.
Was it really that hard to think of your name?
Kennedy just stared and took a huge bite of the cookie...and almost wanted to spit out the contents when the boy said his name. Gah! He had been right and he was almost about to give into temptation and go into that fort. Double gah!
The Prefect rolled his eyes. Did Kirk REALLY think he was a king? This was almost amusing.
"Yes, I'm him," he said, a bit of spite in his voice. Okay...maybe the kid didn't deserve that kind of attitude, but he couldn't help it. Even his shoulders squared on their own. He was clearly showing off that he was the better man in the room.
Well...there WAS only one man in the room...and the kid inside the fort.