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Old 05-09-2012, 04:34 PM   #20 (permalink)

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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Eron Rutherford
Seventh Year
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♣ Heejin here | Did somebody say coffee & cakes? | cat lover ♣

Originally Posted by Lady of Light View Post
Evelyn smiled back at him. "It's nice to see you around too." Yeah, she might have been a little annoyed initially..since she wasn't really up for talking to anyone. But..this guy was nice. However, she noticed that his laugh didn't seem genuine..but heh. It wasn't her business to ask so she didn't say anything.

She smiled again when he sat down next to her. She curiously looked at the book that he placed on the ground.. "What's that?" It didn't really look like a school book. Hm. Maybe it was a personal diary of some sort..or a sketch book. Yeah, it looked more like a sketch book. But..she should probably wait for his answer instead of letting her thoughts run crazy.

Her smile faded slightly when he mentioned summer. Gosh, people just HAD to ask about her summer, didn't they? " was alright." She managed to give a small smile before she continued, "How was yours?"
Jonathan starred at his shoes when she began talking. He hasn't been around these places in a long while it all just felt nostalgic. Especially being back at Hogwarts. He took a long time off last term and now, at least going back and being able to see Hogwarts one last time just makes him happy. nice to see you around too. Jonathan looked blankly at her. It's been weeks since he was not around, so being able to hear that is comforting.

Jonathan sat on the sketchbook quickly when Evelyn noticed it. Not that he was selfish with it, it's just that Jonathan never really lets anyone just look at his sketches. Same with the piano. He plays it alone and that was it. He grinned widely though, it was more of a defense mechanism of his "N-nothing... It's nothing" he said holding onto it.

Change the subject....

He tried thinking of something when he suddenly remembered and thankfully, he listened "I hear you're the new Hufflepuff prefect" he said. She could still correct him though, he might be mistaken her for someone else, right? But he did hear it correctly.... he thinks he did.

Seeing the smile disappearing on her face just made Jonathan look away. Yeah, no one was having a good summer right. And when she replied him with an answer, Jonathan wasn't still convinced she was fine. Everyone has their own story to tell but he doesn't expects her to just talk about. When the question was directed back to him, he once again dozed off. Leaving a long pause before answering.

Summer... was just a memory now, isn't it.

However, Jonathan shook his head to get back to reality and flashed her a smile "It was great" was that really the right term for it, great?
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